Benjamin Zink
Truth hurts. So the argument was that conception was too early to be life. Then it was before they have all their human characteristics. Then it was when we thought they felt pain. Now, apparently, its before they exit the birth canal. To some, even after that. Evil always pushes the envelope further because its predicated on a lie. Our nation will have a lot to answer for.
Stephen Jacewicz
It may not be the best shot film, but Roe V Wade is pretty powerful. The only problem is yes the Pro-Lifers fought but needed to keep God out of the argument in court and they should have put God in it. Defiently a very interesting historical film and it does get more powerful and more Godly in the end. I reccomend it.
David Grove IV
Hollywood is known for its blatant inaccuracies almost to the point of unintentional comedy. This movie is historically accurate and reveals the unspoke Civil Rights for the Unborn (thank you Dr. Alveda King). These issues reveal this generation's lack of character and lack of honor.