Aaron Coffey
Just FYI, this isn't the new blockbuster being released May 29. Also the acting is pretty meh. EDIT: after watching the movie I'm changing my rating from 2 to 1 stars, this was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. A long long time.
4 people found this review helpful
Only people who are giving it five stars must be related to those in the movie or were in it. Since it is filled with no name actors, it hards to tell. Being called a hater due to posting negative reviews of this movie, is a badge I will proudly wear.
Vicente Calderon
Esta compañía de cine siempre se dedican a sacar réplicas de peliculas famosas de hollywood pero en chafa lo efectos de pesima calidad lo demuestra nunca se dejen engañar por las portadas de sus peliculas primero vean el thriller de esta compañía llamada THE ASLYUM