Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. is a 2009 Japanese animated science fiction action film directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki and Masayuki, and written by Hideaki Anno. It is the second of tetralogy of films released in the Rebuild of Evangelion. The tetralogy is based on the original anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. It was produced and co-distributed by Hideaki Anno's Studio Khara in partnership with Gainax.
The film continues the story of Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone, with Shinji Ikari continuing his role as a pilot of one of the gigantic Evangelion as part of NERV's ongoing fight against the mysterious creatures known as Angels. While replicating many scenes and plot elements from the original series, the film also introduces new ones, including newly designed creatures and new characters, such as Mari Illustrious Makinami, and integrates newly available 3D CG technology. Its ending paves the way for the significant storyline departures from the original series in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo.