Xxaiden Knowlton
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So, I know im probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I think this movie is actually pretty good. Ok, im not insane. This movie is bad, but it has elements that made me engaged in the film. The story is probably the strongest part of the film. Setting up a dramatic idea, but turning creepier scene by scene. The characters are fine, they're your generic family in a horror flick. The film is just a badic horror film, but if your into that, more power to you.

Aaron Peck
The Other Side of the Door is a horror movie; it has jump scares, strange monsters, and folk tale elements as much as any other well told horror movie, but it does an excepting job with its script, acting, and effects. It's not the darkest and grittiest of tales, but it's well worth the watch.
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Joshua Gray
Why change it.! At first this movie was about 2 sisters and the little sister dies and her older sister is so depressed and wants to be able to say goodbye and she opens the door. So im guessing producers or whoever hated the idea and changed it