John Ledwidge
I invite you to view this long meandering story unfold. In time it will captivate and hold you......it captures a world long past, a way of life unimaginable today. The cinamatic visuals are brilliance comparable to the art work of Constable! The script is terse, words and a glance always mean something, nothing is wasted except the sense of time is almost static, even insufferably languid for the players upon this opulent stage.......
A Google user
Great Movie. Great Director. Great acting. But bit silly of your blurb writer to call Lyndon an Englishman when practically the whole movie screams at the viewer that he is the quintessentially Irish outsider. The rumbustious plot revolves around this fact. Ironically your blurb writers lazy Little Englander mistake is indicative of the problem at the root of Anglo-Irish relations throughout the centuries.
Kieran O'Dwyer
This film is painfully unrecognised. I can't believe this film is over 3 hours long, it honestly does not feel that long because it's that good. Another Kubrick masterpiece.