BURTON BUGG (Tha Buggster)
i'm giving it FIVE STARS b/c of the overall concept of the movie. It exposes TRUE LIFE events that were taking place inside CSP CORCRAN back in the era where CDC officers had Tha Green Wall of silence. The injustices exposed in this movie, the violence, the injuries, and death... from your armchair and from the comforts of your home this movie is just that. However, to live inside it all, to feel the pressure,the stress, the mental anguish and torture caused to our minds ,psychee, and emotions; 24/7/365 x ? well believe me, what they did to us, the convicted community, they are reaping what they've sown...YOU ARE REAPING WHAT THEY'VE SOWN!!! So far as the movie, it depicted events in the most factual way it could given the information that was filtered to them. But the damage they caused not only then, but even now 6 / 14 / 2016, is all around us. To see it, all you've gotta do is look around, watch the news, It's ALL AROUND US!! Those acts of violence and insubordination have consequences. What the movie wasn't about is what it's MAINLY about i.e.: Cause & Effect. A BIG THANK YOU producers! To the Actors / actress that gave it TRUE LIFE, "Stay DOwn" Much L&R, #E93055

Kailey Reyes
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This movie is amazing! My favorite movie ever! I feel so bad for the guy because he was just trying to protect his family and he was the one that got arrested instead of the burglar that went into his house. Its so sad to see that the kid is seeing his dad in jail. This movie is so good! One of my favorite movies! It's tells true life events. It's so sad when the other guy that was his friend dies at the end and leaves him a note. :( Such a emotional and intense movie! I absolutely love it!🔥