Cardinal Robbins
Entirely too predictable, with a cast of characters written too over the top. If you want something off the beaten track, try "Splice." While it, too, is predictable at least it's much more entertaining. "Wellness" doesn't accomplish anything and after the extra long running time, I'd really like those two and a half hours of my life back. I will say one thing for this flick, however, the locations are breathtaking!
Early Black
A visually stimulating film that falls short on substance and story. Dane gives a strong performance which definitely helps because the movie clocks in at 2 and a half plus hours. In my opinion it dragged on a little bit too long. Strong visuals good cinematography in this film. But a very substandard storyline which they tried to make deeper and more mysterious than it was. This film definitely is not for the average film viewer. But the more Art House David Lynch crowd will most likely diggit. Good eye candy shallow story. Plus it rips off a lot of elements of the film Upstream Color.
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Katie Powell
I liked this movie a lot. The negative reviews worried me but I felt the movie was intriguing and interesting (though oftentimes stressful) and beautifully directed. A unique psychological thriller (I really can't classify this as horror) that didn't rely on jump scares or cheap CGI. The ending was far better than I anticipated given the reviews and I didn't feel like it betrayed the story or curiosity a bit. I would recommend watching it.