Shock Therapy Radio
This is the third derivative of unloving; David at pre-adolescence, David in marriage, David in extramarital relationship, David in manic escape with unknown eleven year old girl. Is David broken? Clearly to the third degree, three times removed. However, everything moves in David’s world at his whim and on his terms: David-esque to biblical proportions. But this David hasn’t slain anyone or anything, short of his own self-destruction and possibly tempting his own death. What do we learn from this? Don’t get caught while acting recklessly? Do get caught while acting aimlessly? It’s interesting that David veered “right-sidedly”, so to speak, from “Lolita”, but why, if he is demonstrating the depths of brokenness? Why hold back? Let the damned be damned and the redeemable shown redeemed. But the character void, engenders conversation that is nothing but disingenuous, derivative, drivel about the movie that “got away” with felony kidnapping.

Theresa Edwards
He raped her you dont c it but you know it happen ..she knows it happen..and than he just drops her off and calls it love ..i wonder is she killed running after his car ..just ends with her bag on the sidewalk wow
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