A Google user
Excellent idea for a film with some interesting casting choices but falls flat because of a lackluster ending and uninspired execution. Louisa Krause is a very good actress and did a great job as the lead. My problem started when we don't get to actually see much of Ava possessed. The supporting casts reactions to what she did during that time are so funny at moments that you want to actually see at least some of it in detailed flashback for contrast. What little we do see of possessed Ava isn't very believable. Carol Kane was far more creepy and sexy as a member of the damned and she wasn't even on screen for 10 minutes. Joel de la Fuente's role in particular really stands out as his performance is excellent as the injured pimp. But that's the problem for me. The film sets up a very interesting premise but doesn't really do anything with it. Yes, the film tells the story but does it in such a way that by the end credits you're wondering what you just sat through. A total missed opportunity especially since there are details in the film the could have easily been used to really make the film much more interesting
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A Google user
As the subject says, the movie takes a different approach to the topic. That alone made me watch it all the way to the end, as the actual movie was not particularly entertaining.
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Daniel Carelli (דָּנִיֵּאל יְהוֹשֻׁעַ)
Really surprisingly good movie with a solid mix of comedy and horror, good characters, lack of a forced romance, and pretty good ending. Didn't expect to enjoy it even half as much as I did - I'll rewatch this again at some point.
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