deborah elliott
One of the things that fueled Anne Boleyn is that she was absolutely determined not to be used and discarded by Henry 8th like her sister Mary Boleyn. I think she loved her sister Mary, who came out ok in the end because her children became Elizabeth I's favorite cousins. Both sisters were remarkable women, but Anne had the courage to defy Woolsey and to defy the Catholic Church. Anne put steel in Henry's backbone! Bravo for Anne!

Chris Love
If you're thinking about watching this movie as someone who has never heard of this story before and are hoping for a moderately entertaining period piece on the trials and tribulations of Anne Boleyn, then this movie will fit the bill. However, if you are a fan of the book and the captivating story that is tells of Mary Boleyn, and her depraved, yet fascinating, sister Anne, then prepare to be sorely disappointed. All the charm, intrigue, and emotion of Phillipa Gregory's novel is completely lost on this film. Mary, the narrator of the novel whose story is central to the plot, becomes a mere supporting character to her sister in the movie which is basically a rushed summary of Anne's rise and fall. Scarlett Johansson is perfectly cast as the demure Mary Boleyn, making it even more disappointing that her talent was wasted on this poor adaption of the story. What helps to save the film from being a complete failure are the beautiful costumes and art direction, but if you're a fan of the book, not even that will stop you from inevitably saying after watching this film what most do after seeing a movie based on a novel, that,"It was ok, but the book was better."