Stephen Evans
Fantastic movie about the not too distant future that really stands out thanks to the endless movie budget of Michael Bay. Some locations are easily recognized from Transformers but this was before those movies came out and perfectly depicted how things may turn out when cloning reaches a new level if it hasn't already. This movie makes you think and is extremely action packed! Much of its unbelievable that's a given. There was a key character I expected to see at some point and it felt open ended a little.

Evan C.
I should have seen this in theatres. I expected a flop, or a corny plot flop of a movie. While a little thin on the whole "thinking" thing at times, this movie does pack explosions. A lot of them. All the time. If you enjoyed Brave New World or 1984, this movie is for you. If you like Sci-Fi Action movies, you'll like this film. There are some pretty intense scenes and adult content, so parents might want to watch this first before showing the young ones. Overall it deserves a 4 and a half stars for good acting, good mise en scene, and good plot progression.

Erik Kruse
I really feel this movie is underappreciated. As far as the disappointed, either people are expecting the movie to fundamentally change their lives, or they're misinformed on what the movie actually is. This was a movie which suffered from poor marketing and lots of people have not seen it, or even heard of it. I saw it three times in the theater and am happy to pay nearly $20 for it in HD now. It's one of those movies you can enjoy again and again, but it's tough to describe to friends without giving away key aspects of the plot. Better to just watch it and enjoy the unfolding story. A talented cast, excellent music, and a unique plot really make this one of my favorite movies ever. To set up your expectations: don't watch or read spoilers, expect a fun, intense ride, and realize that you can't go wrong with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johannson in the same film!
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