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About this movie
Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, less than 100 US Troops were sent on a secret mission to overthrow the Taliban. What happens next is equal parts war origin story & cautionary tale, illuminating the impact of 15 years of constant combat.
Ratings and reviews
31 reviews
Angela Cimen
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September 19, 2017
WOW, what an incredible production. I'm truly impressed by the courage of this soldiers - in combat and in this movie. The silence and unspoken words are overwhelming. Thank you for your service! May God bless you!
Osmanas Mazurinas
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December 31, 2023
Really Great Movie About Brave Special Forces That Were First In Afghanistan The Green Berets Big Respect To These Guys What They Done What They Saw And The Guys Who Didn't Make It My Condolonces Great Informative Documentary Shows That Military Is Psychological Hard And Every Person Has Breaking Point And Afghanistan War Is Longest Deadly