Stephanie Getz
For those too ignorant to realize that whales are mammals & not fish, I want to express that saving these animals is of the utmost importance. In fact, all marine species, whether fish, mammal, plant, etc., all need our attention. Marine life is a critical indicator for how well the rest of Earth is doing...& right now she's not doing so well. If we don't act & help to clean up the oceans, & stop senseless killings of marine life, those waters will die. Once the oceans die, we die.
Mis Kandi
These people deserve our support and praise for all their efforts. These creatures are going EXTINCT! They are being killed off by these disguting criminals and cannot ask for help themselves. We live our lives blind to the pain and suffering animals deal with every day! We need to stop thinking of only ourselves (@John Constantine) and realize how important these creatures are and that we are their only hope.
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John Constantine
i miss my alligator gar so much ... but this documentary will remind you technology is wasted on the lib loons misguided by dicaprio, missing a mars mission, no trump in their soul
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