#staciesfight Dystonia
I'm assuming it's a pretty crappy movie, because Google doesn't care enough to write a help guide as to why it always came up with an error message and I never got any kind of message from Google or anything. I'm also assuming I won't get any kind of compensation for spending my hard earned money on this either. I've tried downloading it and it just error-ed out as well, thanks a lot Google.
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Collie Collie
The movie tries to play the usual "guy must choose best friend or love of his life" tune but it does not do it in any charming way. The humor is simply awful, the bear is a mean, bitter character, and the protagonist made me face palm more than once with his impossible stupidity. There is a limit to how much a movie can insult the intelligence of the audience. This movie gives you there finger and crosses that line. For shame, MacFarlane.
42 people found this review helpful
Jerome Williams
This movie turned out to be a huge disappointment. All it is is a live action version of Family Guy. They tried to bring in all the characters from Family Guy & it just doesn't work. Their only selling point is that it is a foul mouth teddy bear, and he's not even funny. and they keep trying to emphasize the whole Boston thing. We get it, everything you do is Boston. The poop on the floor was funny though.
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