Beauty and the Beast (2017)

2017 • 129 minutes
7.81K reviews
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About this movie

The story and characters you know and love come to spectacular life in the live-action adaptation of Disney's animated classic Beauty and the Beast, a cinematic event celebrating one of the most beloved tales ever told. Experience the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff, and learns to look beyond the Beast's hideous exterior and realize the kind heart of the true Prince within.


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Sing-Along Mode
129 minutes
Sing along with all your favorite songs as you watch the movie.
Enchanted Table Read
13 minutes
Join the cast for the movie's elaborately staged table read, complete with singing and dancing to live music, set pieces and more!
A Beauty of a Tale
27 minutes
Explore the process of transforming a beloved animated film into a new live-action classic.
The Women Behind Beauty and the Beast
5 minutes
Emma Watson introduces several of the talented women in all aspects of production who helped bring this enchanted tale to life.
Making a Moment with Celine Dion
3 minutes
Celine Dion shares what it's like to sing "How Does a Moment Last Forever" - and be a part of Beauty and the Beast's legacy.
3 minutes
Filmmakers and cast reveal how it felt to shoot this memorable scene in From Song to Screen: Making the Musical Sequences.
Be Our Guest
4 minutes
From Song to Screen: Making the Musical Sequences - Discover all that went into creating this epic, primarily virtual performance.
3 minutes
Join the cast for rehearsals and filming of this rousing, high-energy number in From Song to Screen: Making the Musical Sequences.
Beauty and the Beast
2 minutes
From Song to Screen: Making the Musical Sequences - You're invited on set for the filming of this beloved, classic scene.
Introduction by Director Bill Condon
1 minute
Director Bill Condon presents a collection of scenes that, for one reason or another, ended up on the cutting-room floor.
Gaston Courts Belle
1 minute
Pleased with himself after settling a disturbance with the townspeople, a triumphant Gaston attempts to woo Belle.
Bread and Jam for Agathe
1 minute
On her morning market rounds, Belle stops by to see Agathe, the village beggar woman.
Storming the Ice Gates
1 minute
The angry mob of villagers, led by Gaston, overwhelms the castle's defenses.
Lumiere Torches LeFou
1 minute
As the fight rages around them, LeFou scuffles with Plumette…until he experiences a sudden, extremely heated interruption.
Monsieur Toilette
1 minute
LeFou escapes from the brawl into a small room, where he's startled by a castle resident.
Cogsworth Rescues Lumiere
1 minute
When Clothilde the fishmonger threatens Lumiere, Cogsworth leaps into the fray.
Treacle the Lasses
1 minute
Three village lasses chase Chip and Froufrou - Madame Garderobe's dog-turned-footstool - into the kitchen, where a surprise awaits.
LeFou and Monsieur Toilette Reunite
1 minute
After the spell is broken and the castle residents are returned to human form, LeFou and his new acquaintance meet again.
Extended Song: “Days in the Sun”
4 minutes
Learn more about Beast's childhood in an alternate version of this beautiful song, introduced by Director Bill Condon.
“Beauty and the Beast” Music Video
4 minutes
Award-winning artists Ariana Grande and John Legend perform a moving version of this iconic song.
Making the Music Video
2 minutes
Go on set to capture the magic as it happens in Ariana Grande and John Legend's "Beauty and the Beast" Music Video.
5 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“How Does a Moment Last Forever” (Music Box)
1 minute
Sing along to the Music Box version of this song!
“Belle” (Reprise)
1 minute
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
4 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“Be Our Guest”
4 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“Days in the Sun”
2 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“Something There”
2 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“How Does a Moment Last Forever” (Montmartre)
1 minute
Sing along to the Montmartre version of this song!
“Beauty and the Beast”
3 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
2 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“The Mob Song”
2 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
“Beauty and the Beast” (Finale)
2 minutes
Sing along to your favorite song from the movie!
Premiere Overture
3 minutes
Experience Beauty and the Beast's enchanting overture, accompanied by a montage of impressionistic imagery.

Ratings and reviews

7.81K reviews
T.J. Mathews
August 16, 2017
This was not a good film for many reasons. First off, Emma Watson, she is not a good singer, and throughout the full movie she's playing Hermione, not Belle. There's also the Beast and all the other furniture characters, they look awful, there was not a single time where I believed that they were actually there, and I straight up laughed when they did the reveal of the beast, he looks absolutely ridiculous, heck, the original animated version is more terrifying than the pile cgi! And also, WHY WOULD YOU REMAKE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST?!!!! The original is already a perect movie! When I think of Disney, the classic Beauty and the Beast is always the first movie that comes to mind! So I'm in the minority when I say, this movie is awful.
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C T (Mz. Fulfig'd Beauti)
September 9, 2017
First, Too many are focused on Emma's previous roles than actually watching the movie. Second, the CGI was okay but deminished by the fact that it was way too much. Granted the furniture and etc was supposed to animated but could've toned it down for the beast. Third, even though it was a remake, wished they added some new ideas to make this an upgraded version instead of making an exact copy. A for effort but C+ for follow through.
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Gareth Brewer
December 3, 2019
It took me three times to finish this. I love the original animated one. This is inferior in every way. The actors can't sing, the dialogue is cringey, the movie looks downright ugly at times. The writers added new side plots that end up being pointless and wildly struggle around to fix things that didn't need to be fixed. Only thing that saves this from a one star is the fact that your child might like it. But just show them the original as it's better in every way.
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