A Google user
Tho it is and was a thing that the world needed to know, we need not keep reliving it to give anyone any ideas. Whites just need to come to grips with that Black's are no longer under their control and count their loses.

Stephen Jacewicz
This is the best documentary that I have ever seen in my entire life tied with Ken Burns: America's National Parks, which I've been watching. It shows what happens when unforgiveness gets into people and goes that far. It speaks to today, and it is unbelievable. It shows what happens when people don't come to The Lord, and surrender to him. It shows how vile hate is, how vile unforgiveness is, how vile favoritism is, how vile ignorance is, how vile racism is, I can go on and on. Everybody needs to see this. I really liked Let It Fall on ABC but L.A. 92 nailed it. I wasn't born yet, but after watching both documentaries, that's it for me. What happened was unbelievable and absolutely incredibly insane and maddening. I saw The Watts Riots, but 92 was definitely alot worse. And yet we continue in this, although it's not as bad. We gotta come to The Lord and stop. What do you prefer, we want PEACE or we want madness? Because the peace movement was Heavenly, and it made alot more common sense. God Bless!!
8 people found this review helpful

I followed the riots as a kid from the pages of Newsweek and evening network news updates. Many images, video clips, and harrowing accounts have surfaced over the years - more recently in Facebook videos that reduce events down to bite-sized snippets for the ADD generation to Like. Nothing captures in whole, the utter chaos and despair of LA that this documentary fits in its two hour run-length. Welcome, are the few cries of peace from decent citizens in the intense second half.