Jon Spoolman
The Book of Life. If my father were as foolish as the crafters and casters of this ocu bull production for mass induction-- He would sue them for the title. Search and you will find no man who can even break the seal to open its cover. Principalities and Messengers weep. Dominions and powers and rulers of powers Inquire. This smells like poop, you can bet it will taste like it too. Not even useful for sharpening battle skills. Not worth the time to destroy.Even to those who read between the lines.
222 people found this review helpful

Xico Ramirez
Watched this at the movie theater on release day, my 2 kids and my wife all loved it just as much as I did, the visuals , love story and amazing interpretations of many songs kept us at our seats enjoying this beautiful work of art that Mr Del toro has created, Dia de Los muertos is something I grew up with being Mexican and this really brought more people to know of how the culture and tradition is celebrated , definitely makes it easier for that talk with your kids.
17 people found this review helpful

Hatty Hattington
This is so far, one of the best movies I've ever seen. Its touching, funny, and a bit sad at a few parts (the bull part comes to mind......). The characters are awesome, and it's very inspiring as many have said already. It's very colorful and the songs were great, plus it was surprisingly more appropriate for kids than I excepted. I recommend this to anyone. WATCH IT NOW lol jk
17 people found this review helpful