Tom Butler
Ultra low-quality costumes and props. A super inaccurate Darth Vader costume, looks like a Wal*Mart purchase. General's chair is clearly a computer chair with PVC pipe glued to the sides, plus very bad acting and a lazily poor written script/story writing. Darth Vader looks like some 12 year old stole a facsimile of his suit he used on Halloween to Trick or Treat and snuck on set and they accidentally filmed him and just wet with it. His helmet is HUGE and he clearly can't move very well. I mean, it's not a Donald Duck suit at Disney Land. It's an iconic life-support/armor suit of a dark Sith Lord who's supposed to be imposing. I think if Disney doesn't get the next one right they might as well retire Star Wars forever. Just terrible. Like they planned to destroy Star Wars from the beginning.
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This movie never feels natural; it comes across as artificial and insincere, and no matter how I suspend my disbelief -- really, any Star Wars movie requires a lot of that, and I like many of them -- I can't make myself enjoy this. It has its moments, mostly droid-related, but I can't possibly recommend it as something that either adds to the lore or even stands on its own as a good popcorn flick. This film fails to have any emotional impact or leave any sort of impression. Not surprising, but disappointing, and part of a really unfortunate pattern.

James King
Disney + Star Wars = retarded... To say otherwise simply means you're gullible to follow the huddled masses & have no taste in how this movie franchise should truly be. These side stories make a sad attempt in covering the insignificant gaps between chapters. But, I'm sure the kids will love it anyways.
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