Scott Helm
This movie came out during the time in my life when Pokemon was new and soo exciting. The end of the 1990s was the height of the 1st and 2nd generations. Those years were some of the best to experience with the Burger King kids meal toys and Drake Bell gameboy game commercial. The TCG is truly a unique treasure that lives soo strong to this day. I wish that we had a chance to go back in time to relive when the first 2 seasons were debuted on cable tv. Long live pokemon.

Adrian N
The original Japanese version is great. But apparently they have to censor the English version because it's too "violent" and "sad". Worse, they don't make the original Japanese version available legally. Really sad that in these days and age, we still have censorship of art, and nobody seem to mind. Heaven forbids that children watch something that has a foreign language and culture.
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Dan D
My favorite movie since my childhood & that carried my childhood. With such legendary soundtracks, that honestly mean so deep, that make you emotional, and get to your feelings. Same with the cast, the storyline, and the characters - EVERYTHING. Even to this day, this movie and soundtracks brings me joy, nostalgia and so much tears to my eyes. Like there's honestly so much to say about this movie, that you can't just fully explain, its more of a movie that you feel. Greatest movie of all time.