SoulApe EtSoul
There is no case..the boy never existed. People need to realize you have to take responsibility for your actions. Nothing is going to save you from that. Nothing...people make mistakes Sin is good..that's why we are here to learn from them...there is no devil..no Satan...nothing...that made you do it.. Except you and your bad decisions... Plain and simple....we all go back home....heaven as it may. Regardless of what your dogma is or isn't. The source is an all loving unconditional energy... It gave us free will and choice... There is no punishment or judgement from it... It doesn't take offense..it has no ego.. Like most humans. However that's the lesson isn't it.. Its all about having complete compassion...and not trying to change someone because you think or assume they are not worthy. Its their path not yours..you have no right.
24 people found this review helpful

Ignore the critic reviews on this one. This film ended up being much better than I thought it would be. It was presented in a way only a person who became a believer later in his life (not someone who was born in the church) could present it. It struggles that Lee and his wife went through because of the different paradigms they were living in were real. I also thought that the move touched on all the arguments that Lee presents in his book that he wrote. The only caveat I have with the movie is the theology in it, to some degree. I don't believe people come to God through a "feeling". I believe that the spirit of God works in us when we bring our mind to the word and we're confronted by it. I think when Lee gets to the point where he says, "Okay God, you win", after trying to be unconvinced by it, this is the moment, not a feeling, that he became a believer. Also, we're saved by the obedience of baptism, not before that point. Other than that, the movie was great. I would highly recommend to anyone.
21 people found this review helpful

Jeffrey P
Great movie, if you want confirmation bias and are an indoctrinated Christian. Otherwise, read some Hitchens or Dawkins, if you would like to see cases against this ridiculous religion.
9 people found this review helpful