Nicka Lah
I think the person who rated this 3/5 because this documentary doesn't "make you think. . . it tells you what to think. . . " clearly didn't hear what they wanted to hear. While I'm sure there are some women who will tell you they chose prostitution and wouldn't want to do anything else, it doesn't matter. We're clearly being told that there are women want out and any amount of women that are stuck doing this because they have no choice. or lost hope that there is a way to get out is an unacceptable. Besides, it is not easy to tell how many of the women who say it's what they want do it out of self-preservation, and to psychologically deal with what they have gone through.

Jeremiah Yonemura
Yesterday in San Francisco, I watched Save My Seoul, and it was disgusting to see some of the images and how women were treated as simply pieces of meat. The stories of Esther and Crystal show how women are real people. I like how this film shows how prostitution is slavery and a form of sex trafficking. Yesterday, Eddy said that when he asks a young girl what she wants to be when she grows up, that he never hears, "I want to be a prostitute." Women are often forced to be a prostitute as their only choice, and only having one choice is no choice. Please be praying for all the women who are and have been in the illegal sex trafficking business for recovery and deliverence.

Casey Rowley
This is only my opinion.. The documentary doesn't really make you think. It tells you what to think. That's not bad, it just makes it a 3/5 instead of 5/5.