I remember seeing it upon its cinema release and enjoyed it thoroughly, it filled the 6+ laughs rule easily. The characters were well cast, production values fine, writing, directing etc, all fine. Upon rewatch, it's still a daft, fun, immensely quotable superhero film.
Ben Styler
I understand the premise, yet the plot is lacking, the cast is poor and in every way this film is a huge rip off of the amazing comic/cartoon The Tick. Is Stiller ever actually funny....?
jamin allen
Awesome film, hugely quotable and funny! "I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines." Great Superhero film that set a benchmark way before the glut we have today. Highly Recommended. "I've come back for my journal, you seen it anywhere...it's denim...got a picture of a kitten on it."