Ryan Bloom
This movie has an obsession with not showing Godzilla and it infuriates me. It's a two hour movie, but Godzilla only gets 11 minutes of screen time total. Most of that comes in the last 20 minutes. Even the old Godzilla movies were never this bad -- there are so many shots where you're just about to get a clear look at a monster doing something cool and then they very specifically block your view or move the camera. I hated that endless teasing so much I can't remember the rest of the movie.

Willie Singleton III
I was excited for a new Godzilla film myself. And at this time, with a third about to come out, it seems to have been very successful to some, BUT, why is Godzilla so fat? And there's not nearly enough monster in a monster movie. And the times you do see them, it's marred by the not so clever camera work, that just gets in the way of seeing what we came to see. Now the movie was enjoyable for the most part, but it suffers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe Syndrome of face addiction for actors that no one cared about at all. Skull Island did way better.
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