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Stripperella is an American adult animated superhero comedy television series created by Stan Lee for Spike. The lead character is a stripper named Erotica Jones who is secretly the superhero/secret agent Stripperella. The series was produced by The Firm and Spike Animation, with CGI animation provided by Nickelodeon Digital. It is rated TV-MA in the United States.
Stripperella debuted on Spike TV in summer 2003 and lasted one season with 13 episodes. Anderson described it as not being a raunchy show, despite obvious double entendres and topless nudity.
In Australia, Stripperella began airing uncensored on SBS TV, starting Monday March 13, 2006, at 21:00 local time, after having previously been restricted to early-morning airings on the Nine Network. In the United Kingdom, Stripperella is aired uncensored as part of the UK incarnation of the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block. In Germany, the show aired uncensored on Comedy Central Germany available for all audiences. In Italy, it is aired on Fox Italia, uncensored and unrated; in Latin America is transmitted by MTV Latin America; and in Brazil was transmitted by Multishow.