2015 • BBC Four
18 avis
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Épisodes de Saison 1 (8)

1 Episode 1
Uniquement la saison
The world seems innocent and full of hope to the brothers, Laust and Peter, as they grow up in poor but safe conditions, working on the local estate. The year is 1851 and Denmark is beside itself with excitement, as soldiers return victorious from the three-year war. Laust and Peter are both enamoured with the estate manager's daughter, the beautiful and well-read Inge, and a special friendship develops between the three children. Meanwhile political forces consider incorporating Schleswig into the Danish Kingdom, contrary to the signed peace treaty. 2015 Arrow Films
2 Episode 2
Uniquement la saison
Laust, Peter and Inge grow up and with that comes a desire to travel, helped along by visiting gypsies' stories of the world outside Denmark. The politician Monrad, speaking with newfound eloquence, stirs up the already rather superior feeling members of Parliament and the euphoria spreads amongst the people of Denmark. Schleswig is to be incorporated into the Danish Kingdom, even though it may lead to war. Laust and Peter are in love with Inge and she loves them both. But now they must part, as Laust and Peter report for duty in the Danish Army. 2015 Arrow Films
3 Episode 3
Uniquement la saison
Monrad forces a new constitution through Parliament that incorporates Schleswig into the Danish kingdom, and, as expected, triggers a declaration of war from Prussia. Laust and Peter meet their young comrades in arms, as well as the experienced and mysterious Johan, and get a taste of how real the horrors of war can be. The brothers exchange letters with Inge, but Laust also sends her secret letters. 2015 Arrow Films
4 Episode 4
Uniquement la saison
Peter and Laust reach Dannevirke, where they meet their new Captain – a familiar face from the estate back home – but not exactly a happy reunion. Laust and Inge continue their secret letter writing but an incorrectly delivered letter causes serious consequences for the relationship between the otherwise inseparable brothers. Dannevirke turns out not to be nearly as impregnable as people have been boasting, and General De Meza decides, against the will of the powers that be in Copenhagen, to withdraw from Dannevirke to Dybbøl. 2015 Arrow Films
5 Episode 5
Uniquement la saison
Following the evacuation of Dannevirke, the Austrian Hussars are ordered to hunt down the Danish troops. This leads to a fatal encounter when they catch up with Peter's division. Laust's division is caught in a fierce snowstorm and an accident nearly causes the death of Laust. Laden with guilt and in a feverish haze, he wishes to admit everything in order to save his relationship with Peter. Expelled by her family, Inge travels with the gypsies towards Sønderborg in order to find Laust. 2015 Arrow Films
6 Episode 6
Uniquement la saison
Inge and Sofia reach the front where they come face to face with the harsh realities of war. An encounter with Didrich leaves Inge without any hope of ever seeing Laust or Peter again so she volunteers as a nurse at the camp hospital. Laust is ill and needs his brother but Peter is a changed man – wounded by the horrors of war and Laust's betrayal. In Copenhagen the reality of the situation is beginning to sink in but despite the bombardment of Sønderborg, the government maintains that Dybbøl must be held at all cost. 2015 Arrow Films
7 Episode 7
Uniquement la saison
Intoxicated and obsessed with the thought of hurting Peter and Laust, Didrich reveals to Peter that Laust and Inge harbor a secret. Peter decides to find Laust to make peace with him. A warning of the terrors that lie ahead shakes Johan to the core and he tries desperately to prevent the events that follow. Despite huge numbers of casualties, Copenhagen still maintains that the Danish army must persevere. 2015 Arrow Films
8 Episode 8
Uniquement la saison
Denmark is in a state of shock. The army has been destroyed and the country now lies open to the Prussians. The rug is pulled out from under Monrad when his former supporters turn their backs on him. Back at the estate, Inge has to give in to the predetermined fate she tried so hard to break free of. Johan seeks out the families of the fallen and must watch as their hopes are extinguished. But for some there is hope yet for the future. A new Denmark can be rebuilt. 2015 Arrow Films

À propos de cette émission

It's an innocent world full of hope when the two brothers Laust and Peter grow up under poor, but also happy, circumstances far off in the Danish countryside in the middle of the 19th century. Denmark is enthused following the victories in the First Schleswig-Holstein War of 1848-50 where Denmark defeated the rebel army that fought for independence for the duchies Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. After the victory, Danish political forces are scheming to annex Schleswig into the Danish Kingdom – in utter disregard of a treaty signed with the major powers of Europe and despite how provocative it would be to all Germans. Meanwhile, Laust and Peter grow up and fall in love with the adorable Inge, a well-read proprietor's daughter that lectures them on poetry, philosophy and women's liberation! And Inge returns their love. She loves Peter for his sensitivity and intellect, and Laust for his strength and drive. When the leader of the Danish parliament, Monrad, against the wishes of Great Britain and Russia finally manages to carry the motion that Schleswig should be annexed, everybody knows that this will result in a Second Schleswig-Holstein War. This time, however, Denmark is not facing a small rebel army as it mostly did in 1848-50 but two German major powers Prussia and Austria. The minister-president Otto von Bismarck in Berlin is eager for Prussia to fight this war on behalf of the German Federation. And seeing as Peter and Laust's father died from wounds caused by a German bullet in 1850, it's a no-brainer for them to quickly volunteer for the army. 150 years later, in 2014, the unapproachable and maladjusted Claudia walks around in the same area. She lost her brother in the War in Afghanistan, and her family has fallen apart. On the verge of a complete breakdown, she's forced to accept a job as an aide for the 100-year-old Baron at the manor. Here Claudia discovers Inge's forgotten diary. A tale of thousands of young men that sacrificed their lives in a pointless war. And through the diary, the story of Peter, Laust and Inge is told. The story of Denmark erupting into war – a war that would become one of the bloodiest in Danish history – forged by political hubris and blunders. The story of thousands of young Danish soldiers thrown to the lions when the Prussian army decimated the Danish troops at the Battle of Dybbøl in 1864. 1864 is a tale of innocence and love – of ignorance and political folly. An abundance of drama in the span between the years of beauty and the horrors of war.

Notes et avis

18 avis