19 Kids & Counting

2008 • TLC
2370 件のレビュー

シーズン 8 エピソード(15)

1 Tokyo, Japan
The Duggars are heading out on the trip of a lifetime...their first visit to Asia! Their first stop is Tokyo. Watch as the family enjoys a traditional Japanese breakfast mastering chopsticks, navigate the crowded streets of Tokyo, and learn to make sushi!
2 Kyoto, Japan
The family wraps up their last day in Tokyo appearing as guests on a Japanese morning show, and later, are challenged to a goldfish catching competition. Then it's off to Kyoto where the boys learn to be samurais and the girls try on kimonos.
3 Bejing, China
The Duggars finish their Asia trip in Bejjing, China. Watch the family struggle to navigate the city's subway system to Tiananmen Square, explore the Great Wall of China, and visit a local orphanage. Plus, one family member shares a surprise secret.
4 Baby On the Way
Back from their big trip to Asia, Anna invites the entire Duggar family over for a themed dinner that will reveal her big surprise! But for a meal this big, she recruits Cousin Amy for help. And Jill and Jana jump right into work as midwives.
5 Duggar Weight Loss Challenge
Jim Bob and Josh decide to take their health more seriously and challenge each other to see who can lose the most weight in 90 days. Meanwhile, Jason and the boys construct a greenhouse in the backyard for some homegrown fun.
6 Things Are Changing
Jim Bob and Josh get the results from their physicals, and they're in for some shocking news! Can Michelle and Anna keep them motivated to improve their health? And a visit from Anna's sister Prescilla, spurs Josh and Anna to look for a roomier home.
7 Pushups & Planting
Jim Bob and Josh are in for a rude awakening when they meet their new trainer, who gives them the toughest workout of their lives. Meanwhile, Jill and Jana's midwifery skills are put to the test when one of their clients goes into labor.
8 Coffee & Caricatures
Jessa and Jinger volunteer at a local coffee shop and have no idea what's in store. With Jinger being a big coffee fan, will she drink more than she sells? And Jackson and Johannah are drawing caricatures to collect funds for Josh and Anna's baby gift.
9 Duggars Take Flight
For his 18th birthday, Joseph leaves home for the first time to train with an emergency rescue team. Meanwhile, John David is one step closer to his pilot license when he flys Joseph to his boot camp. And Steve checks in on Josh and Jim Bob's weightloss.
10 Love & Marriage
For the first time, Jim Bob and Michelle talk candidly about marriage, babies and everything in between as they head off to a marriage retreat to build on their strong relationship. Meanwhile, can Gandma hold down the fort back home while they are away?
11 Dinner for Forty
The Duggar household fills up fast when trainer Steve's family, along with Pastor Howard and his family come by for a super-sized dinner. We check in with Joseph on his emergency rescue training boot camp. And, Michael finally moves into his own room.
12 A Surgery & A Secret
Jim Bob and Josh are hurting as trainer Steve puts them through their toughest workout yet. Meanwhile, Jordyn gets her tonsils removed, and Josh and Anna go in for an ultrasound that will reveal the baby gender, but only one person will know the results.
13 Decisions & Deliveries
Josh is presented with a job opportunity 1,200 miles away and decide to seek guidance from Jim Bob and Michelle. Jana and Jill's client goes into labor and 9 weeks away from home, the family attends Joseph's boot camp graduation.
14 Duggars Get Physical
Josh and Anna head down to Florida to visit Anna's family and meet the latest family addition, her newborn nephew Paul. And after several weeks of training, trainer Steve pushes Jim Bob and Josh to their max, all leading up to the final weigh-in.
15 Baby Gender Reveal & the Final Weigh In
Josh and Anna are caught off guard when the whole family visits Restoration Church where Pastor Howard reveals some baby secret news! Plus after 90-days of training, a Duggar weight loss champ is crowned. And Josh and Anna reveal a life changing decision.


The Duggar family may be the best-known large family in history. Famous around the world for having 18 children, this brood draws attention and questions wherever they go. And, with mom Michelle and father Jim Bob barely in their forties, there's a good chance the family will grow even larger before their baby-birthing days are done!


2370 件のレビュー

