64 Zoo Lane

2009 • ABC Kids
በድር አሳሽ ውስጥ ወይም በሚደገፉ መሣሪያዎች ላይ ይመልከቱ የበለጠ ለመረዳት

የትዕይንት ምዕራፍ 6 የትዕይንት ክፍሎች (13)

1 The Story of the Jungle Pie
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Kevin the crocodile is a very fussy eater. Georgina decides to make an amazing Jungle Pie to show Kevin just what he is missing when he refuses to try new foods.
2 The Story of Jazz the Carnival King
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Jazz the jaguar is too proud to admit he can't dance. Luckily, Adam and the others find a clever way to teach the stubborn jaguar some new moves.
3 The Story of Patsy the Porcupine
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The savannah animals take Patsy for granted as she is always tidying up after them. What happens when she has a fall and hurts herself?
4 The Story of the Together Stones
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Wally Two Trees has given each animal a different stone... these stones are supposed to bring them together. But they don't seem to be working, since the stones make them argue!
5 The Story of Thelma the Whale
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Jamie invites Thelma the whale to play in Mossy Bay. The other puffins are less pleased about her visit: she is so big that she gets stuck in the bay! But they soon discover that Thelma is a great friend to play with.
6 The Story of the Best Christmas Tree Ever
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Melanie's friends are upset when she gives their precious Christmas tree away to a family of Bison. They soon realise that Christmas is about sharing, not just having the best tree.
7 The Story of Alan's Catchy Tune
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Zed, Herbert and Alan are looking for a new song for the concert that evening. Alan has found a catchy tune but is far too shy to play it in front of everyone. Will he be able to overcome his stage fright?
8 The Story of the Baby Bison
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Alfie and Charlie the chipmunks meet a lost baby bison. To help it find its home, they investigate... They must solve all the clues to help the baby bison home.
9 The Story of Zed the Hero of Africa
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The volcano is threatening to erupt but the animals are reluctant to leave their beautiful savannah home. Can anybody come to the rescue?
10 The Story of Herbert's Watermelons
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Nigel has offered to look after Herbert's precious watermelons. There is lots to do, but Nigel is not the most conscientious of elephants... will Herbert's melons be safe in his care?
11 The Story of Doris' Precious Things
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Doris the duck is determined to build the biggest collection of precious objects in Africa. The other animals are affronted when she takes objects they need. Doris will have to choose between her collection and her friends.
12 The Story of Leopoldo the Llama
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It's Leopoldo the llama's turn to choose which game to play. He suggests climbing a mountain, but his friends refuse to follow him. Since nobody wants to accompany him, the llama decides to go alone.
13 The Story of Tallulah the Toucan
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Talullah the toucan is superstitious: she always has to wear her favourite flower. So when she loses it, she refuses to leave her home and the surprise she is preparing might be ruined.

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Lucy lives at 64 Zoo Lane, right next door to the local zoo. Every night, she climbs out of her window, slides down the long neck of Georgina the Giraffe and listens to one of the animals tell her a story...