8 Simple Rules

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2-маусым сериялары (24)

1 Sex Ed
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When Paul feels like Kerry has replaced him for Kyle, he suggests that he and Kerry spend father-daughter time together. Kerry agrees only because she has been dying to see a new French film. However, during the movie they both become uncomfortable and embarrassed by an explicit sex scene involving a water bottle. Paul has no idea what to say to his daughter, and the last thing Kerry wants to do is talk about sex with her father; they are both left feeling awkward. Meanwhile, Bridget thinks her life is over when she finds out that Cate is going to be teaching sex education to her class. 2003 Touchstone Television
2 Donny Goes Awol
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Paul and Cate's annoying neighbours, Fred and Mary Ellen Doyle, show up at their front door wanting Bridget to record a video message on a video tape they made for their son Donny at the Naval Academy. As it turns out, Bridget is interested in a "bad boy", a new Senior at school who she secretly went out on a date with. Bridget can't understand why seeing another boy is cheating. Kerry lectures her about her behaviour and, as a result, Bridget breaks up with Donny on the video tape. Meanwhile, Fred asks Paul to help with a neighbourhood campaign to catch a teen who has been vandalizing houses with eggs. Paul is in charge of putting out a warning, and becomes so focused on creating the perfect name for the culprit that he fails to realize the vandal is none other than Rory. 2003 Touchstone Television
3 Premiere (Season Premiere)
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When Cate finds out she may be pregnant Paul voices his anxiety about the surprise, and forgets to be sensitive to Cate's feelings. Cate also receives little support from the kids, who are too concerned with their own lives to care. During a family meeting, Kyle overhears that Cate may be pregnant and shares the news with the Hennessy's annoying neighbours, the Doyles. Cate's business soon becomes everyone's business. Meanwhile, Bridget is appalled when she discovers that a gossip website has labeled Kerry as the popular Hennessy. Kerry is thrilled to hear the news and tries hard to live up to her new reputation. However, Bridget feels her fortune may be changing when she encounters the new popular boy at school. 2003 Touchstone Television
4 Goodbye (Part 1 of 2)
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After learning of the unexpected death of Paul, Cate and the kids must each deal with the loss of the beloved patriarch of the Hennessy family in their own way. To help console the family, Cate's parents - who are separated - put aside their marital differences and help the family through their time of need. 2003 Touchstone Television
5 Goodbye (Part 2 of 2)
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After learning of the unexpected death of Paul, Cate and the kids must each deal with the loss of the beloved patriarch of the Hennessy family in their own way. To help console the family, Cate's parents - who are separated - put aside their marital differences and help the family through their time of need. 2003 Touchstone Television
6 No Right Way
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Cate is unprepared for the diverse reactions exhibited by Bridget and Kerry on their first day back to school since their father's death. Meanwhile, Jim tries his best to be helpful by making some questionable home improvements to the Hennessy home. 2003 Touchstone Television
7 What Dad Would Want
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The Hennessys are mourning the loss of Paul and dealing with the overwhelming concern shown by acquaintances who bring over casserole dishes. Everyone is fed up with the extra attention and just want to get back to living life. Cate's father, Jim, has moved in to help out the family. Cate learns of a scholarship dinner in honour of Paul that the entire family is invited to attend. Kerry works hard to complete a collage dedicated to her father in time for the dinner, which Bridget accidentally ruins. Kerry restrains her anger because Paul would not have wanted for her and Bridget to fight. Kerry's silence drives Bridget even crazier with guilt. Rory is discouraged from trying out for the basketball team because his father is not there to coach him, but is persuaded by Cate to try out anyway. 2003 Touchstone Television
8 The First Thanksgiving
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It's Thanksgiving morning and Jim, trying to be helpful, is attempting to prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Cate is touched but finds his assistance to be counterproductive. She suggests he help by watching a football game on TV with Rory who is missing his dad's traditional robust football spirit on Thanksgiving day. Bridget and Kerry are upset to learn that their mother's original plan of having Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant instead of at home has been scrapped. They made plans to go to an afternoon Thanksgiving party at a friend's house where they could be with their boyfriends. As a compromise, Cate says they can invite their boyfriends Kyle and Luke over to dinner at their house. Tommy drops by the house with Detroit Lions football game tickets and agrees to take Jim and an excited Rory. An unexpected visit from Cate's mother, Laura, adds to Cate's stress level. 2003 Touchstone Television
9 The Story of Anne Frank and Skeevy
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In order to get into a decent college, Cate suggests Bridget enhance her high-school transcript with extracurricular activities. Cate asks Kerry to help get Bridget into her drama club, which she does, and Bridget lands the role of Anne Frank in the school play. Kerry isn't very happy with Bridget's accomplishment because she has been actively involved in the drama club and considers the club to be her forte. Cate watches Bridget rehearse the play, and she is not very good. To make matters worse, Cate has to sell 10 tickets to the play to help the school raise money, and she is embarrassed by Bridget's lack of talent. Meanwhile, Rory gets a ventriloquist dummy from his school's guidance counselor to help him express his suppressed emotions more freely. Rory begins to only talk to the family through the dummy, which begins to creep everyone out. 2003 Touchstone Television
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Cate is annoyed at how lazy Jim and Rory have become, spending all day in front of the television eating junk food, and decides to enroll the family at the YMCA health club where Bridget just started work as a lifeguard. Rory takes a yoga class and is surprised to see the class is filled with beautiful, flexible girls. Meanwhile, Jim tries out a stationary bike and a sexy health instructor named Holly comes by offering to help start the machine. Jim becomes smitten with her attention. Kerry is disgusted when she learns that Bridget has a group of young blonde haired girls that idolize and imitate her. Kerry makes friends with a little brown haired girl who also thinks Bridget and her "chicklettes" are superficial. Kerry teaches her that hair colour is no indication of intelligence or popularity. 2003 Touchstone Television
11 Get Real
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Cate's nephew and Jim's grandson, C.J., comes to town under the pretext of paying his respects to Paul, but he's really there to see an Aerosmith concert. C.J. is not well-liked by the family because he was unkind to the kids growing up and can't hold down a job or keep a promise. Cate dislikes him so much that she doesn't invite him to stay in their house, so C.J. spends the nights in his van. Meanwhile, Kerry finally get's her learner's driving permit and is anxious to start driving. Bridget discovers that she has a huge pimple growing at the end of her nose on the night before a big school photo shoot and agrees to let Kerry drive her, illegally, to the drug store for some acne medicine. 2003 Touchstone Television
12 Consequences
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C.J. walks in on Rory while he is in his room lifting weights. Rory complains to his cousin about being skinny because girls don't like skinny guys: he wants to be muscular when he starts high school next year. C.J. tells Rory that girls also like funny guys and that he became the class clown in high school by stealing another school's animal mascot. The next day, Bridget comes home after a date with bad boy Luke. Cate is furious with Bridget because she has obviously been riding dangerously and illegally on the back of his motorcycle without a helmet. Later on, C.J., Jim and Rory are watching the news on TV when a story about a local school's stolen drug-sniffing dog comes on the air. C.J. and Rory high-five each other for their anonymous accomplishment. The reporter mentions how the dog is worth $30,000 and Rory is suddenly panic stricken with what he has done. 2003 Touchstone Television
13 Opposites Attract Part 1 of 3
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It's Valentine's Day and C.J. gives cheap presents from the car wash to the family. Bridget gets paired up with Jeremy, a brainy student, in science class for a project. She finds out they are in the same English class as well and asks him to tutor her to bring her grades up to get into college. Back at home, Bridget, Kerry and Kyle are hanging out when Bridget exclaims that she is looking forward to Valentine's Day because her new boyfriend Dylan will shower her with gifts. Kerry is opposed to Valentine's Day claiming it is a holiday made up by big corporations to get the public to spend money. Rory is trying to decide what to do for his girlfriend, Missy, for Valentine's Day and asks his grandfather Jim of his plans. Jim tells him he is not doing anything because he and his wife have split up. 2003 Touchstone Television
14 Opposites Attract Part 2 of 3
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Bridget is doing better in school thanks to Jeremy's tutoring. Jeremy tells Bridget that he thinks she does not need further tutoring, but Bridget insists she will need more sessions to prepare for her debate in speech class next week. When Bridget tries to schedule lessons with Jeremy on a Saturday night, Jeremy tells her that he can't because he is going to a party. Jim and C.J. are at odds even more than usual and the basement becomes tight quarters for both of them. All of C.J.'s possessions were burned in the van fire and C.J. continues to blame his grandfather. 2003 Touchstone Television
15 Opposites Attract Part 3 of 3:Night of the Locust
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After being told that she's fickle when it comes to relationships, Bridget is afraid that she may end up hurting Jeremy's feelings when her ex-bad boy boyfriend, Damian, returns to town. Meanwhile, Kerry is outraged and plans her own revenge when the school's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) bans "provocative" dancing from the high school formal. Cate volunteers to chaperone the dance accompanied by Jim, who has become smitten with Ms. McKenna a member of the PTA. C.J. partners with Rory to anonymously post school scandals over the internet. When Rory and C.J. discover dating scandals in Bridget's diary, they develop a plan to broadcast a live girl fight that they believe will take place at the high-school dance. They plant a mini spy camera in the boutonniere that Rory pins to Jim's lapel but the broadcast is thwarted when Jim becomes distracted by Ms. McKenna and doesn't even notice the girl fight. 2003 Touchstone Television
16 Daddy's Girl
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On the advice of the family therapist, Cate is encouraged to pursue a once-thought-unobtainable dream of becoming a singer. Meanwhile, C.J. and Jim find themselves trying to bond in a bar when Cate encourages C.J. to take his grandfather out after he is dumped by his wife - in a letter - and Bridget angers Kerry by dyeing her hair blonde after she complains that the romance is fading from her relationship with Kyle. In the episode, Katey Sagal sings "Daddy's Girl," and Connie Stevens guest stars as a barmaid. 2003 Touchstone Television
17 Let's Keep Going Part 1 of 2
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Cate sends Bridget and Kerry to her mother's house for a visit after the Hennessys decide against vacationing at the family cabin. But while on the road trip to their grandmother's, the girls are shocked to find Cate at their father's favourite bar with a mysterious stranger. Kerry makes Rory's life miserable when she discovers that he has a crush on her friend, Rachel. 2003 Touchstone Television
18 Let's Keep Going Part 2 of 2
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Upon discovering Cate in the arms of Artie-Paul's successor at the newspaper, Bridget and Kerry decide to blow off their planned trip to their grandmother's and take to the open road to sort out their feelings. But after meeting up with C.J., the girls find themselves at a familiar location that was beloved by Paul. Rory continues to pine for Rachel, who confesses her true feelings for him. Country singer Mac Davis guest stars as a guitar man at a truck stop diner. 2003 Touchstone Television
19 Mall in the Family
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In order to raise money to attend a student art program in Europe over the summer, Kerry gets a job at a fast food stand at the mall. Her no-nonsense attitude at work gets her promoted to assistant manager very quickly. The family gives Jim a hard time for lounging around the house, eating snack foods all day and not contributing to the household income. To prove that he is still a useful member of the family, a reluctant Jim gets a job handling the cash register at Kerry's hamburger stand. But when she witnesses his disdain for the customers, Kerry is faced with the dilemma of having to fire her grandfather. Meanwhile C.J. - who has been employed as a mall cop - busts Bridget for sneaking into a movie without paying. Cate catches Rory selling worthless family items on the internet under false pretenses. 2003 Touchstone Television
20 C.J.'s Party
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C.J. throws a college party at his dormitory room and Bridget and her high-school friends make a surprise visit. C.J. tries to make them leave and spills drink on Bridget's clothes when his roommate, Erik, tries to give her a cup of beer. The next day, Cate discovers Bridget's beer-stained clothes and is furious to learn that Bridget went to C.J.'s party. Cate grounds Bridget and banishes C.J. from the house. Over the next few days, C.J. leaves pathetic phone messages begging Cate to let him come back into the house. Bridget sneaks out of the house to visit Erik and C.J. catches her there. Bridget and Erik hid in the bathroom when Cate stops by. Jim is forced to take a written driver's test along with Kerry after he is pulled over for reckless driving and carrying an expired out-of-state license. 2003 Touchstone Television
21 Mother's Day
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After witnessing some strange behaviour from Bridget and Kerry, Cate tries to find out what they are up to - not suspecting that they might be trying to set up a special Mother's Day getaway for her. C.J. and Rory doubt Jim's ability to put an engine back together after he falls in love with a classic car - which is in for a wax job at Rory's new detailing service - and decides to fix a noise in the motor. 2003 Touchstone Television
22 Finale Part Un Part 1 of 2
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Cate finds herself in the awkward position of having to deal with Principal Gibb when she forgets to turn in a health form for Kerry's trip to Europe. Then, when she discovers that Bridget took the fall for Kerry for organizing a school sit-in, she agrees to meet Principal Gibb again over coffee in order to set the record straight. But the girls are convinced that their mother's innocent coffee meeting is really a date. Meanwhile, Kerry is furious when Bridget is elected student body president and wins a trip to Washington, D.C. because everyone thinks she organized the school sit-in. Jim's new relationship with Tina unnerves Cate who hopes that her father will reconcile with her mother. 2003 Touchstone Television
23 Finale Part Deux Part 2 of 2
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Cate finds herself in the awkward position of having to deal with Principal Gibb when she forgets to turn in a health form for Kerry's trip to Europe. Then, when she discovers that Bridget took the fall for Kerry for organizing a school sit-in, she agrees to meet Principal Gibb again over coffee in order to set the record straight. But the girls are convinced that their mother's innocent coffee meeting is really a date. Meanwhile, Kerry is furious when Bridget is elected student body president and wins a trip to Washington, D.C. because everyone thinks she organized the school sit-in. Jim's new relationship with Tina unnerves Cate who hopes that her father will reconcile with her mother. 2003 Touchstone Television
24 The Principal
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When Bridget is busted over a school dress-code violation, Cate is called upon to meet with her new principal, Ed Gibb (Adam Arkin, "Chicago Hope"). But Cate is in for a shock when she discovers that she went to high school with Ed - who remembers it vividly - though she doesn't remember him at all. When C.J. becomes his massage therapist, Jim hurts his feelings when he refuses to admit that his wayward grandson has become good at something. 2003 Touchstone Television

Осы сериал туралы ақпарат

Although not new to fatherhood, Paul is just a bit rusty on day-to-day interaction and discovers that he's grown a little out of touch with his kids - especially his daughters. His value has been reduced to a wallet and a ride to the mall. Sixteen-year-old Bridget (Kaley Cuoco, Growing Up Brady, Ladies Man) has matured into a beautiful and popular teenager with a different boyfriend each week and a taste for fashion that tends to be a little too revealing for her father's taste. By contrast, 15-year-old Kerry (Amy Davidson, ABC Family series So Little Time) is intelligent and cute, but her lack of self-confidence has led her to hide behind a mask of sarcasm. Thank goodness for 13-year-old son Rory (Martin Spanjers, Daddio), fondly referred to as The Boy by Paul and Cate, who remains on the sane track...at least for the time being.

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