Joseph Nucifora
The current writers of American sit coms (formula -canned laughter- insult to intelligence-keep the public stupid) .. need to watch every episode and see what funny and clever really is. Maybe we would have something to watch on television for more than half a season.
32 people found this review helpful
T.C. Wade
Ab Fab is guaranteed to make you laugh even if you don't want to! It pokes elaborate fun at what is "IN" (such as wearing designer clothes even if they look HORRID on you) & WHO is in. Wonderful actors across the board!
12 people found this review helpful
Robert “Jackie Sparkles” Johnson Jr.
To start off, I just got into this truly brilliant series a month or two ago, and it is ABSOLUTELY incredible. Lovable characters, hilarious antics, and just plain addicting to watch. If you want an intro to British Telly, then you should totally check this one out.