Alaska: The Next Generation

6 ግምገማዎች
በድር አሳሽ ውስጥ ወይም በሚደገፉ መሣሪያዎች ላይ ይመልከቱ የበለጠ ለመረዳት

Season 7 የትዕይንት ክፍሎች (7)

1 Spring Cleaning
With spring approaching, the next generation must prepare for what's on the horizon. On the cliff's edge, the Sarvelas attempt to save their garage from the unrelenting ocean below. The Browns repair their greenhouses while Nathan has his sights on more than just plants. With temperatures rising, Johnny Rolfe must preserve his meat cache while the Roach family wait for the whitefish run.
2 Uneven Ground
In Alaska, springtime means new life, new projects, and new adventures during the precious few months before harsh winter returns. The Sarvelas must restore access to the beach to get vital supplies home. Kaleb Rowland races to trap a beaver before the season ends. Sonta and Chevie Roach take their 19-month-old daughter duck hunting. And the Browns welcome new life into their ever-growing farm.
3 Reap the Rewards
Spring has arrived in Alaska and reaping the season's rich rewards are a top priority. Chevie Roach and his daughters hunt beaver for its fur and meat. Mario and Clare face the harsh realities of their cabin's dangerously rotting foundation. The Browns explore new rivers in hopes of a change in protein, while the Rowlands strive to build a greenhouse to expand their self-reliance.
4 Breathe In Breathe Out
The next generation faces unfamiliar territory as they prepare for a hard winter ahead. The Roach family travels 100 miles upriver to harvest Mother Nature's bounty. The Browns recycle an old woodpile into a rotational grazing pen for their farm animals while Johnny Rolfe is on his annual black bear hunt, but this time is different- he's bringing a friend.
5 In Her Blood
The next generation rush to fortify their homes and stockpile food before winter arrives. A pregnant Sonta Roach hunts bull moose much like her ancestors did before her. Johnny Rolfe builds an underground refrigerator in hopes of preserving his food supply. Mario seeks a new source of protein along the Chatanika River, and the Browns continue to build to protect their farm.
6 The Messenger
Alaskans must be vigilant the moment they leave their doorstep. Chevie Roach must protect his family from an unwanted messenger. Kyle and Katie Sarvela set their sights on salmon, but the ocean has other plans. Back in the Brooks Range, Johnny Rolfe embarks on an epic caribou hunt unlike any other, while Mario and Clare dip-net for salmon along the dangerous cliffs of the Copper River.
7 This is Not the End
As winter draws near, the next generation must push through the harsh realities of subsistence living. Sydney Roach learns lifelong lessons while hunting moose with her father, Chevie. While seeking a vital harvest, Johnny Rolfe must act fast or risk starvation in the Brooks Range and the Sarvelas use bush ingenuity to build a wind turbine to light their lives through the impending darkness ahead.

ስለዚህ ትርዒት

The next generation of Alaskans play by their own rules, rebelling against society norms and surviving Arctic climates. Michael Manzo travels nomadically in search of opportunity. Alex Javor leaves life in Virginia behind to build his dream cabin. The Rowlands instill critical lessons of survival to their children. And Brent and Ida work 24/7 on their business while navigating life as a new couple.

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

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ለዚህ ትዕይንት ደረጃ ይስጡ

ምን እንደሚያስቡ ይንገሩን።