America's Funniest Home Videos: Animal Edition

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Episoade Season 1 (12)

1 The Eagle Has Landed
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A clumsy Bald Eagle, a kangaroo attacks a car, people who fear chickens, a tribute to Golden Retrievers, a raccoon mother helps her baby navigate a fence post, a musical montage about the friendships between dogs, the "Lazy Cat Café", a very unlucky crocodile, synchronized hopping deer.
2 Thank Goodness for Protective Glass
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A boat has a close call with a whale, a Ninja dog seems to appear out of thin air, a bizarre and unlikely college mascot, dogs that commit crimes, a deer dodges a train, kids who have trouble identifying animals, an unlucky crocodile, 10 times you were grateful you were separated from a wild animal by glass, and a Strauss waltz sung by mammals.
3 Feelin' Squirrely
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A paraglider meets a kangaroo, a centipede ride-sharing alternative, a sea lion property battle, a cliff-diving dog, swapping faces with your pets, squirrels that can survive a fall from the top of the Empire State Building, a highly intelligent moose, a musical tribute to goats, dogs that stand so still they look like statues.
4 The Cone of Shame
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A fortunate stork, Labradors that say "grace" before dining, a cat wary of a food dispenser, a donkey takes on a dozen cows to protect his meal, a ziplining squirrel, an elephant that teaches his baby cousin a lesson, a horse sneaks into a stable to pilfer food, a snapping turtle lives up to his name, musical pet pratfalls.
5 Tiny But Mighty!
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Night drive terror with a bear, a chicken loves air-conditioning, dogs that fail obedience school, a sneak attack by a moray eel, a grizzly bear catches a plane, a bull charges a four-wheeler, a Cockatoo that barks like a dog, army ants invade a wasp nest in a most unusual way, kangaroos that belong to a mob, man's best friend.
6 Never Handle a Woodland Creature
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A terrifyingly close call with a Great White Shark, a puppy rides a slide, a man stalked by a cougar, a crazy magpie, a dog jealous of a happy couple.
7 The Karate Cat
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A close call with a lion who knows how to open a car door, a cat knocks over a Christmas tree, a rhino chases after a peacock, a scary leopard surprise on safari, a possum makes his home out of a barbecue grill, 10 reasons to avoid the water, a headbutting contest with a goat, a comparison of African and Asian elephants.
8 A Mouse in the House
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Shower time with an alpaca, a wild pig crossing, a very "chill" alligator, a baby chick falls asleep standing up, a turkey cop tandem hits the streets, animals that love eating, crabs fighting and dancing in the shallows, top ten reasons to own a Chihuahua, beware a mouse in the house, a bobcat sits on top of a 40-foot cactus.
9 There's a Bear in My Fridge
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An angry elephant smashes a car, a cat bravely scares off a bear, a beekeeper has major issues, a dog and cat clean dishes with their tongues, a chicken plays "nanny" to some kittens, a snorkeler kisses a Great White Shark, a deer leaps past a speeding car, a school mascot called "Sammy the Banana Slug".
10 Splashing Tigers, Hidden Dragons
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A man and woman struggle to catch bats living in their house, a deer fights a snowman, a dog eats a girl's homework, a hornbill steals a woman's bra, unwanted house guests, a kayaker has a close call with a whale, people who fear butterflies, top ten times the bite is worse than the bark, puppies rotate in circles while eating.
11 Pug Life
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A moose walks on water, a Corgi loves whipped cream, wildebeest river crossing, a tiger climbs a tree to catch its prey, a big snake disturbs a nap, people who fear frogs, a "dazzle" of Zebras, a snake chases a bird across a power line, musical tribute to cats, a dog that's a butter bandit, a horse-and-carriage wedding goes awry.
12 Alfonso Sings With the Whales
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Bear snacks on a kayak, a Chinese dragon lizard waves at passerby, animals versus kids, the terrifying roar of a lion, a musical tribute to dogs and cats, an encounter with millions of jellyfish, the trouble with leashes, top ten signs that animals are smarter than humans, Alfonso sings with the whales.

Despre serial

NatGeo meets AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS in an unlikely marriage that produces hilarious pets, awesome wildlife, and everything in between. From the backyard to the savannah, we spend time with animals that make us laugh, gasp, and smile, providing us a unique mix of humor and wonder…all hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro.