Amigo and Friends is an educational children's animated television series that was based on the Mexican cartoon series Cantinflashow in 1979. The show, which concentrates on a wide range of subjects intended to educate children, follows Amigo, a little comical character from Mexico, who goes on educational adventures through time and space and gets to visit Shakespeare, see the ancient pyramids, and even travels to other planets. The animated Amigo is based on the legendary character, Cantinflas played by the Mexican actor and comedian Mario Moreno Reyes.
The show was created and produced by Televisa. The company was also responsible for the distribution of the show in Mexico.
In 1982, Hanna-Barbera Productions dubbed the series into English and retitled it Amigo and Friends and aired in syndication across the United States through Viacom Enterprises. The only two known actors were John Stephenson, who narrates each episode and Don Messick, who voiced Amigo.