Lori W Bahadur
It was fun, and I watched most of it. You can enjoy the talented, funny, and musical bits, and fast forward through, or skip entirely, the convoluted, drudging sections. Don't miss the main character turning into a puppet! Best episode next to Lorne going home!
3 people found this review helpful
HellFire DireWolf
loved both of the series they should have done more with this like The Gods became impressed with him and gave him the ability to manifest giants black wings so he could fly and resist the burning effects of the sun and his other weaknesses making him stronger ohhh and the is funny pay attentoin to season 1 e2 lonely hearts in the middle of the episodes i spotted a camara person;)
20 people found this review helpful
robin beau
I love this show so much. He is so sexy and bad ass. U need to watch if u have not seen this. But u should see Buffy the Vampire Slayer first before you start watching angel. Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show will give you the scoop on what's going on in this show it's like a back-to-back but Buffy came first and then angel so I would watch it in that order. You will not regret it
8 people found this review helpful