Awkwafina is Nora From Queens

28 կարծիք
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Դիտել վեբ դիտարկիչում կամ աջակցվող սարքերում Իմանալ ավելին

Եթերաշրջան 1 սերիաներ (10)

1 Pilot
Nora takes her first steps toward financial independence, trying her hand at a couple jobs in an attempt to move out of her dad's house.
2 Atlantic City
Nora runs into an old acquaintance on the Atlantic City boardwalk, while her grandma's friends confront a group of old women hogging an outlet in a casino.
3 Savage Valley
Nora takes a job at a real estate office and becomes a hyper-competent assistant with a little help from Adderall, alienating her online gaming friends in the process.
4 Paperwork
Nora attempts to cash a check to pick her car up from an impound lot, only to discover that her bank has closed her account.
5 Not Today
Nora impulsively dyes her hair after a fight with her dad, and Wally goes to a single parent support group meeting.
6 Vagarina
After Nora suffers a vaginal injury, she's tapped by a DJ to record her chronic queefing for his new track.
7 Grandma Loves Nora
Nora competes with Edmund for their grandmother's affection, and Wally creates an Instagram account to impress his crush.
8 Grandma & Chill
Grandma tells Nora the story of how she met her husband in the style of a Korean drama.
9 Launch Party
Edmund and Nora prepare to launch their app, and Wally's dinner date goes terribly awry.
10 China
After Scrubr gets acquired by a company overseas, Nora moves to China; back in Queens, Grandma befriends an injured pigeon.

Այս սերիալի մասին

Awkwafina stars as Nora Lin in this scripted series based on her real-life beginnings in Flushing, Queens. Raised alongside her cousin by her dad and grandma, Nora leans on her family as she navigates young adulthood in outer borough New York City

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28 կարծիք

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