Back To Life

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Season 2剧集(6 集)

1 Episode 1
Three weeks after we last saw her, and six weeks after leaving prison, Miri Matteson is optimistic about her future. Her probation officer, Janice, has gotten her a trial shift at the supermarket, she and her neighbour Billy have been spending more time together, and she has found her crimper. However, Miri is still not talking to her mother Caroline after the revelation that she was having an affair with Miri's ex-boyfriend Dom, and she'll need a lot of shifts at the supermarket before she can afford to move out. She is also avoiding her best friend Mandy after learning that Mandy's secret affair with Lara's father, John Boback, led to Lara's death all those years ago. Things are about to get a whole lot worse with the arrival in Hythe of Lara's mother, Norah. Still grieving her daughter, it's clear her presence will ensure Miri cannot escape her past. Oblivious to the approaching danger, Miri thinks her biggest concerns are Phil Solon at the supermarket and a not-date-date with Billy. Meanwhile, Caroline and Oscar try to navigate married life with the knowledge of Caroline's affair, but rather than tackling his marital problems, Oscar reverts to his old ways and decides to tackle climate change instead. And with the prospect of Miri moving out, the couple face an uncertain future.
2 Episode 2
After the awkward end to their not-date-date, Miri offers to help Billy sort through Anna's things. Although picking through the personal belongings of your crush's dead wife might seem awful to most, Miri takes it in her stride. Until she makes a very personal discovery... Things get worse for Miri when Janice tells her that she needs a bank account before she can start working at the supermarket. Miri does have a bank account... that she hasn't used since 2001. Unfortunately, the branded piggy banks she was given all those years ago are no longer relevant and once again Miri must navigate a world she barely recognises. As she leaves the bank in frustration, Dom tries to give her an apology quiche, and reveals that Caroline has sent him a dick pic of his own dick. Oscar's having technical difficulties in his social media campaign for "Make Hythe Clean", but he is nevertheless becoming obsessed with his new distraction and Caroline is feeling left out. She has no choice but to return to the Ladies of Hythe, who exiled her after Miri went to prison.
3 Episode 3
The morning after she was knocked off her bike by a mysterious car, Miri is convinced that John Boback was the one who drove into her, but her parents are not sure. When Oscar lets slip that the Bobacks are organising a vigil for Lara, Miri takes this as more proof that John is trying to ensure the town never forgets what Miri has done. Caroline is also preoccupied with Lara's vigil, and with Oscar focussed on "Make Hythe Clean" she decides to return to the Ladies of Hythe. This time she brings biscuits. In a bid to put the vigil out of her mind Miri hitches a ride along with Billy for the day, but is shocked when they arrive at his mother's birthday party. After a failed attempt at hiding, Miri has no choice but to meet Gaia, who miraculously seems to be a fan... At the party, Miri bumps into someone from her past who reminds her that she doesn't need to pretend to be something she's not.
4 Episode 4
In the aftermath of Lara's vigil, Miri races back to Mandy's house to get ready for her date with Billy: the first proper date she has ever had in her life ever. But Mark intercepts her and pleads with Miri to find Mandy: she's supposed to be returning his waffle maker but his creepy phone tracking app says she's not at the store but at the lighthouse... Reluctantly, Miri heads out to look for her. With the discovery of John at the lighthouse, it becomes clear that the road to Miri's first date will be a long and winding one. Meanwhile in the Matteson House, Caroline and Oscar's bickering is interrupted by the doorbell. It's Dom and he needs a poo. Fearing what will happen if they leave him on their doorstep, the couple let him in.
5 Episode 5
Making the strongest coffee in the world won't help Miri's nerves about Mandy and what has happened to John. Her stress levels are exacerbated when Janice reminds Miri that her driving test is today. Caroline and Oscar wake to find an unnervingly chirpy Dom making them breakfast. And when it comes time for Dom to leave, it's clear he doesn't want to, so Oscar reluctantly ropes him in to help with "Make Hythe Clean". Miri waits for her driving test examiner and almost brings herself to tell Caroline what happened the night before. But when her examiner arrives Miri must put all of that, and the whereabouts of her treasured digital pet, out of her mind.
6 Episode 6
With John's body discovered, no sign of her digital pet and no word from Mandy, Miri realises that she has to go to the police before they come to her. This is probably her last morning of freedom and she wants to spend it with Billy. They will have fun together. Even if an unexpected family member comes along for the ride... Oscar and Caroline are united after their strange night with Dom, and they set off on a litter picking mission for "Make Hythe Clean". But will Caroline's love for Oscar trump her fear of humiliation and ridicule, and allow her the freedom to be herself? Meanwhile, Norah leaves a surprise behind for Miri before beating her to the police station, where Tina is investigating John's murder.


Back To Life follows Miranda 'Miri' Matteson, a woman who committed a terrible crime many years ago. It was a catastrophic mistake, one she paid for with well over a decade in prison.