
1964 • ABC
71 opinii
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1 To Go Or Not To Go, That Is The Question
Samantha is ordered to appear at the Witches Convention to be held in Salem, Massachusetts by her mother, who is Lord High Chairman of the fete. Despite Endora's warnings, Samantha re-fuses to go without her spouse. Darrin, meanwhile, has landed a big account but reluctantly cancels his "big break" when he learns of Samantha's Salem obligation. Shortly afterwards, the Stevens get unexpected company as Hepzibah, High Priestess of witchdom, literally "pops" in for a visit. Darrin isn't impressed with the royal visit, especially when Hepzibah tries to boss him around his own house. At first distressed by Darrin's, insubordination for her and her entourage, Hepzibah soon begins to tolerate Samantha's mortal mate. She becomes less demanding, less critical. She concludes that there must be something keeping Samantha wed to Darrin. She decides that instead of disbanding the marriage, as she had originally planned to do -- she'd rather observe the "mixed" -marriage to better understand the situation. With a royal nod, Hepzibah transforms the Stevens' living room into something re-sembling the Palace at Versailles. The High Priestess is now ready to stay and observe and, hopefully, to determine how an intelligent and attractive witch like Samantha could choose a moron mortal to marry. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2 Salem Here We Come
When Hepzibah, Empress and High Priestess of all witches and warlocks, comes to observe the first and only marriage of a witch and a mortal, her visit includes all the "trappings" of royalty, including transforming of the Stephens home into a replica of Buckingham Palace, complete with four servants, a trumpeter, and a pair of Russian wolfhounds. Constantly referring to Darrin as "the mortal," she generally makes life very hard for him and Samantha. Yet, the result of her study will either be her approval of the match or the dissolving of the marriage&something that she will achieve by simply dissolving Darrin! As Darrin struggles to make a good impression, Hepzibah and Samantha "pop" in at his office. However, when Samantha casts a spell to save a very important client from the High Priestess' wrath, it ends up making Mr. Hitchcock very attentive to Hepzibah, and makes Hepzibah more attracted to mortals than ever before. Hepzibah's decision to drum her out of the witches' world instead of dissolving Darrin in postponed when Samantha tells Mr. Hitchcock that the High Priestess will be in Salem the following weekend. So, when Hitchcock makes plans to be at the Witches Convention, too, Samantha wants Darrin to attend in order to give them more time to prove that a witch and a mortal can live happily ever after. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 Salem Saga
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4 Samantha's Hot Bedwarmer
...AND SO Samantha and Darrin are followed back to their motel by the bedwarmer. There is a knock at the door -- it is Miss Ferndale and two policemen. Samantha hides the bedwarmer in the closet and just as she and Darrin have almost convinced the police that they know nothing about a stolen bedwarmer, out it falls from the closet. Darrin is arrested. and the evidence, after some strange incidents, is taken. Darrin is put in jail, the evidence is locked away and Samantha proceeds to try and solve the mystery. Samantha goes to the witches' convention grounds and has Endora incant up the witch who originally put the curse on the bedwarmer as she is the only one who can remove the curse. The witch, is none other than Serena. The bedwarmer is actually an amorous warlock named Newton who, way back in old Salem days, kept bugging Serena to marry him. The reason he's been following Samantha is that he thinks she is Serena. Since Serena can't remember back three hundred years to the spell she used to change Newton into a bedwarmer, she is sent back in time to relive the incident. She finally returns with the spell. Samantha goes to the jail, zaps the desk sergeant into a deep sleep and re-turns the bedwarmer to Newton the warlock. When Darrin's case is finally brought to court there is no evidence so Darrin can't be held for stealing the bedwarmer. When the arresting officers are brought forward, Samantha twitches a spell on them so they will tell the judge exactly what happened when they took the evidence from the mo-tel. The judge listens to the strange tale and dismisses the case. Miss Ferndale's loud protests are suddenly quieted a bit by amorous Newton, who has been admiring her for years. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5 Darrin On A Pedestal
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 Paul Revere Rides Again
The Stephen's vacation is Salem, Mass., is interrupted when Larry shows up and asks Darrin's help in landing a new client. Sir Leslie Bancroft, the client-to-be, is a Revolutionary War buff and knowing this, Larry buys what he believes is a reproduction of a Paul Revere teapot. When Darrin refuses to do business on his vacation, Larry angrily demands his teapot back. Meanwhile, trying to be helpful, Esmeralda (who's been babysitting for the Stephen's children) pops in and out, taking all Samantha's souvenirs, including the teapot, back home with her. Realizing this, Dana stalls Larry, while Samantha contacts Esmeralda, who uses her powers in an attempt to return it. Instead of a teapot, Samantha finds herself face-to-face with Paul Revere himself. Paul, who still thinks it's 1776, overhears Sir Leslie discussing his plans to "invade the American market" with his British product. Thinking he's discovered a British plot against the Colonies, he mounts his horse and rides out of the hotel and into the streets shouting "the British are coming," with Samantha in close pursuit. The chase ends up at the police station where Samantha explains everything to a very bewildered Paul Revere. Esmeralda's witchcraft is finally successful after her third try, and the teapot, which turns out to be an original Paul Revere, is returned. Darrin explains Paul's behavior as his idea for an advertising campaign and Sir Leslie agrees to let Darrin handle his account. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7 Samantha's Bad Day In Salem
At a witches' meeting in Salem, Samantha runs into Waldo, a handsome, young warlock who has been in love with her since childhood. After reminding him that she is happily married, lovesick Waldo uses his powers to conjure up a Samantha of his own. Mirabelle, Waldo's over-bearing mother, nags him for his foolishness, but Waldo refuses to de-materialize his imaginary Samantha. The next day, Larry goes sightseeing with Darrin in an effort to get him to do some work during his vacation. While Darrin is taking pictures, Larry sees Waldo and the phony Samantha engaged in intimate conversation. He rushes Darrin off to the restaurant where they to meet Samantha for lunch and shortly after she arrives, Waldo do barges in and joins them. This proves too much for an already nervous Larry, so he heads back to the hotel and Darrin takes off after him. After reprimanding Waldo for his rudeness, Samantha leaves for the hotel and Waldo reincarnates his fantasy Samantha. Meanwhile, Darrin learns from Larry what, went on. earlier and decides to go back to the restaurant. When he gets there, he finds Waldo and his imitation Samantha together and demands an explanation. Waldo gets annoyed and zaps Darrin into a crow. The real Samantha is in her room when the crow flies in and it doesn't take long to figure out that the crow is really Darrin. That night, at the next witches' meeting, she finds out about Waldo's tricks and demands that he change Darrin back. He does, but they all realize that Larry will have to be given some reasonable explanation, so they decide to call in cousin Serena. They tell Larry that it was Serene who he saw with Waldo and Samantha's bad day in Salem is over. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8 Samantha's Old Salem Trip
The Stephens' cut their Salem vacation short and fly home "witches' style" after Samantha is ordered by the executive coven not to appear in public with Darrin. While they are upstairs with the children, a "Witch-O-Gram" arrives on the end of a flaming spear and after read-ing it, Esmeralda (who'd been sitting with Adam and Tabitha) decides to cast a spell that will send Samantha back to Salem before the coven takes action against her. Esmeralda casts her spell and Samantha finds herself back in Salem -- 17th Century Salem -- without her memory or her witchcraft. She wanders into an inn owned by the Farley's and Mrs. Farley puts her to work as a barmaid. Meanwhile, at the Stephens' home, Endora pops in looking for Sam and discovers Esmer-alda's error. She gives Darrin a magic coin that will restore Samantha's witchcraft and transports him back to old Salem. Darrin finds her, but Samantha doesn't recognize him, and his attempts to talk to her alone are taken as improper advances. The Magistrate overhears this and orders Darrin to spend a day in the stocks for lewd conduct. The next day, Mr. Farley breaks his quill pen and Samantha offers him a ball point pen that Darrin had given her the night before. Both the Magistrate and the Farleys think the pen is a product of witch-craft and Sam and Darrin are arrested. Just before their trial, Darrin manages to slip Samantha the magic coin. With her powers restored, Samantha gives a demonstration of real witchcraft to the be-wildered Magistrate and citizens of Olde Salem. Then she and Darrin return to their own home and their own century. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9 Samantha's Pet Warlock
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10 Samantha's Old Man
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11 The Corsican Cousins
Darrin is after the Bigalows Industries' account. Mr. Nichols, president of the firm is a social snob whose business relations unalterably linked to public relations. In other words, if Nichols or his wife doesn't like you socially, you can count on not getting their account. On the home front, Endora -- in her usual unmotherly manner -- casts a spell on Samantha. It links Sam's thoughts and words with Cousin Serena's. What Serena says, Samantha says and like-wise for actions. Darrin is confused by his wife's madness, especially during a surprise visit by Mrs. Nichols. The unexpected social call is obviously espionage. The situation worsens when Larry, who just happened to be in the neighborhood, calls on the Stevens in a kind of counter-espionage. Samantha is at her worst as Serena's anti-social "no-no's" periodically invade Sam's normally acceptable social etiquette. Mrs. Nichols and her society side-kick, Mrs. Raphael, can hardly wait to leave the Stevens' household. Larry realizes that with the ladies leaving, the advertising account goes with them. Darrin is also "on the way out" -- of the company that is --- until Larry, later discovers that Mr. Nichols is discovered to be associated with the underworld. In scaring off the Bigalow account, Samantha has saved Darrin's company's reputation and, incidentally, his job. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12 Samantha's Magic Potion
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13 Sisters At Heart
Keith and Dorothy Wilson, a young black couple, drop off their daughter at the Stephens' house before going on an overnight trip. It is the first time Tabitha will have someone stay overnight with her and she gets a warning from Samantha -- no witchcraft! Tabitha and Lisa want very much to be sisters but they were told by a woman in the park that they can't because they are not the same color. Darrin has been working on a big account and hopes to have his contract signed by that afternoon. His client, Mr. Brockway, wants to see what Darrin's home life is like, however, before he signs. He happens to drop by the Stephens' home when Lisa is the only one downstairs and she answers the door. Lisa tells Brockway that she and Tabitha are sisters and he naturally assumes that Darrin's wife is black. He tells Larry that he wants another man to handle the account since Darrin is not stable enough. Larry decides to hold the office Christmas party at the Stephens' home to prove Darrin 's stability. Meanwhile, Tabitha has told Lisa that she's a witch and has changed them both to polka-dotted people so they look more alike. Samantha explains to Darrin that Tabitha used wishcraft instead of witchcraft and that it should wear off by the next day. Christmas Day dawns and the two girls are still covered with polka dots. Sam and Darrin are beside themselves as Lisa's parents will be arriving that afternoon. Sam finally gets a witchscriptian from Dr. Bombay that will cure the wishcraft, but Tabitha, understanding that she and Lisa can still be sisters if they are not the same color, is ready to concentrate, and the girls are back to normal just in time. Brockway learns that Darrin doesn't have a mixed marriage and is ready to sign the contract, when Larry refuses. Brockway leaves, but comes back the next day to apologize to the Stephens and admit that he is a racist. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
14 The Mother-in-law Of The Year
Darrin comes up with a new ad campaign for Bobbins Bon Bons which Samantha likes and Endora doesn't. The meddlesome mother-in-law comes up with a campaign of her own, modestly called "Bobbins' Mother-in-Law of the Year." Failing to pitch her ad idea to Darrin, she uses her son-in-law as a dummy and he unwittingly presents En-dora's idea to Mr. Bobbins, the candy company president. Bobbins is instantly enraptured with Endora's idea and with Endora. His spell-cast attraction to Samantha's mother makes him insist that Endora be used in their TV commercials, the first of which is to be aired live on "Sweetheart Parade." Just. before air time, Endora tells Samantha and Darrin that she's not going to do the commercial but instead has decided to go skiing with a warlock named Peabody. Darrin convinces Samantha to dress up like her mother to do the live commercial. The mock-mother--in-law arrives undetected at the studio and is about to begin the commercial when the real Endora shows up and demands equal time. Endora twitches herself to look like her daughter and the commercial, although it doesn't follow the script, turns into an amusing but effective sales pitch. Endora is pleased, Bobbins is pleased, Larry Tate is pleased, Samantha is pleased and Darrin -- he's relieved. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
15 Mary, The Good Fairy
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
16 The Good Fairy Strikes Again
Gladys Kravitz sees Mary (the former Good Fairy) leaving the house and to get information about what's happening at the Stephens', she invites her in for some brandy. Mary gets loaded again and when she leaves, she's picked up by two policemen. Gladys sees the whole thing and calls to tell Samantha; Darrin goes to the station to get Mary. When Darrin returns with Mary, he gets a warning call from Larry's secretary. Larry and Mr. Ferber, the new client, are on their way to see Darrin's new ad campaign for the Reduce-alator -- the ad campaign that Darrin hasn't had time to work on. Sam takes Mary upstairs for a nap and when Larry and Ferber arrive, Sam hides in the den. Darrin tries to stall, but Ferber won't be put off, and when Larry pushes past him for the den, Darrin is on the verge of panic. They open the door and find Samantha wearing a weird looking sauna suit that conceals the fairy costume. She and Darrin improvise a campaign that satisfies Ferber and Larry and they finally leave. When Mary awakens, she finds that the heat of the Reduce-alator has completely wilted her wings... and to top it all off, Samantha spills some Bloody Marys down the front of the costume. Mary is so outraged that she demands to have her wings back and to the Stephens' relief, goes back to being the Good Fairy. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
17 The Return Of Darrin The Bold
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18 The House That Uncle Arthur Built
Uncle Arthur is in love -- hopelessly in love -- with Aretha, a snob-bish witch who can't and won't tolerate a practical joker. Attempting to conceal the fact that he is an uncontrollable "jokoholic," Uncle Arthur casts a spell that transfers all his pranks to the Stephens' home... literally turning it into a fun house. Darrin gets home from the office and as he walks through the front door, a bucket of water upsets itself right on his head realizing what was going on and who was behind it all, Samantha tries to contact Uncle Arthur before Larry arrives with a potential client -- but without success. Landing the Rockfield Furniture account means a great deal to Darrin - and a lot-more to Larry -- so Larry brings Mr. & Mrs. Rockfield to the Stephens' house for dinner. Stuffy Mr. Rockfield isn't the least bit amused at the series of not-so-practical jokes that occur... glasses stick to the table...Darrin's shoed stick to the floor and, out of nowhere, there appears a barrel of monkeys -- real monkeys. Rockfield's aggravation steadily increases. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sam is still trying to contact Uncle Arthur. Finally, he pompously pops in. Since Aretha is with him, he denies any knowledge of what's going on. Sam has no choice -- she opens the door and when Aretha sees the monkeys she pops out. Uncle Arthur realizes that Aretha was just a phony and removes the spell. The house is back to normal. and with the usual assist from Samantha, Darrin comes up with an ad campaign that more than satisfies Rockfield and lands the account. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
19 Samantha And The Troll
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
20 This Little Piggie
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
21 Mixed Doubles
Louise Tate gives Samantha a book entitled "Marital Unrest," complete with her rave reviews and makes Samantha promise to read at least the first chapter. Samantha is upset that Louise should be bored with her marriage and spends a restless night trying to sleep and not worry about her friend. Just as morning approaches, Samantha pops into Louise's bed and Louise pops into Samantha's bed. Naturally, Samantha is surprised when she awakens next to Larry Tate. By freez-ing Larry, Samantha pops back to her own house and. upon seeing Louse, realizes what has happened. The strangest aspect of this change is that only Samantha is aware of what has happened...Darrin thinks Louise is Samantha and Larry thinks Samantha is Louise. Sam quickly calls Endora for help. Endora listens to Samantha' s predicament and hurries off to find Dr. Bombay. He arrives and his diagnosis is a clear cut case of metaphysical molecular disturbance, caused by a cosmic short circuit in Samantha's metaphysical molecules due to her worrying about Louise. The potion needed calls for the marrow from the tooth of a saber--toothed tiger. Samantha must play the situation along until Dr. Bombay secures this ingredient. She goes to Darrin's office and after finally convincing him that she is not Louise, but Samantha, she tells Darrin what has happened. They decide to have the Tate's (Larry and Samantha) over for dinner (at Darrin and Louise's) and stay up playing cards and talking until Dr. Bombay arrives with the cure. The evening drags on and on with every sort of attempt by Darrin and Louise (i.e. Samantha) to keep the party going. Finally, Dr. Bombay returns, pops Samantha's molecules back to where they should be and Samantha is herself again -- as is Louise. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
22 Darrin Goes Ape
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
23 Money Happy Returns
Endora sees Tabitha and Adam in their backyard plastic wading pool and accuses Darrin of being too cheap to buy the kids a swimming pool. Not wanting her grandchildren to be deprived, Endora zaps a huge pool in the backyard just as Darrin is standing there, and Darrin takes an unintentional swim. he changes and leaves for the office warning Samantha that Endora better be gone when he gets home. Later that day, Darin finds an envelope full of money in a cab. Finding one hundred thousand dollars in cash isn't an everyday occurrence and Darrin is sure that Endora is responsible. He calls Sam, then hurries home - only to find out that Endora had nothing to do with it. Sam and Darrin try to figure out where the money could have come from. They start out fairly calm but Samantha gets insulted and storms out...zapping the money before she leaves. While she's cooling off at Louise Tate's, Darrin is visited by Rudolph Kosko. Kosko demands "his" money and Darrin tries to stall for time. Then Kosko brings in Mr. Braun, his muscle man, and threatens Darrin. After a frantic phone call to Louise Tate, Samantha finally realizes that Darrin is in trouble and zaps herself home. They learn that Kosko's money was "earned" from a number of unfortunate horse players, so Samantha uses her witchcraft to keep the two thugs there until the police arrive. © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
24 Out Of The Mouths Of Babes
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
25 Samantha's Psychic Pslip
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
26 Samantha's Magic Mirror
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
27 Laugh, Clown, Laugh
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
28 Samantha And The Antique Doll
In every way, Samantha and Darrin Stephens are a perfectly normal, all-American couple, except for one small detail...Samantha's a witch! And although she promised her husband on their wedding night never to use her powers, Samantha can't seem to resist performing a quick trick or two to get out of a jam. Further complicating matters is Samantha's mother, Endora, who is appalled that her daughter married a mere "mortal" and does her spell-assisted best to break them apart! © 1969, renewed 1997 CPT Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Informacje o serialu

Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) and Darrin (Dick York/Dick Sargent) Stevens are a perfectly normal couple, except for one small detail – she’s a witch! In a marriage complicated by the world’s witchiest mother-in-law (Agnes Moorehead), Sam’s promise to never resort to magic is tested when she can’t help using her powers now and then.

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