This should be mandatory viewing in U.S. High Schools on the chance it might help stimulate thinking in our future leaders --- as we continue to drop farther scholastically in comparison to other countries. Perhaps required again, in college in some sort of critical thinking course. Frankly, I would think any country would think this kind of information educational across age and occupational lines and presented in an entertaining format. Personally, I think there are myriad applications for these episodes depending upon Nat Geo's interest level.
60 people found this review helpful
Christi Nash
There must be some pretty ignorant people watching tv if they think this show is so amazing. I watched anger and food and a lot of this stuff to me is common knowledge, but then again I went to college. I guess it's good if people learn somehow. Probably best for young people, like teens or older children.
48 people found this review helpful
Max Evans
Pretty amazing how some people are so full of themselves to say this show isn't good because they "went to college." The way I see it is if you don't like it, pi** off. Don't get on your high horse and act like you're better than everyone else.
44 people found this review helpful