Buckingham Palace with Alexander Armstrong

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"Buckingham Palace with Alexander Armstrong: Series 1" saioaren atalak (4)

2 Episode 2
Denboraldi osoarekin soilik
From the tragic end to George III's occupancy through the debauched George IV's residence and on to the teenage Queen Victoria - a monarch who loved the palace.
3 Episode 3
Denboraldi osoarekin soilik
1845 was a happy time for Victoria, Albert and their expanding family. The queen added some 200 rooms to the palace, including the iconic central balcony. Then in 1861 tragedy struck.
5 Episode 5
Denboraldi osoarekin soilik
George V arrives on the throne and the House of Windsor is born, but life at Buckingham Palace is blown apart by the First World War. Plus, a VIP visit from Gandhi.
6 Episode 6
Denboraldi osoarekin soilik
Buckingham Palace survives WWII and we arrive in the modern era as Queen Elizabeth II makes it her home. But what does the future hold for the iconic building?

Saio honi buruz

Alexander Armstrong leads an exclusive six-part look at the secrets of Buckingham Palace.