Bump in the Night

1993 • ABC
55 atsauksmes
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“2. sezona” sērijas (13)

1 Neat and Clean / Nothing But the Tooth
Mr. Bumpy and his neat-freak pal Squishy take a trip to Microbia where they sing about the virtues of cleanliness to a bunch of dirty, lowdown germs. / Ooouuu, Mr. Bumpy has a toothache. To make it better, he applies thermite, in large quantities. BOOM!! Out comes the sore tooth, along with every single other dentation in our hero's mouth. What's worse, the teeth (like dentures, or those party gag clacking teeth) turn ferocious and begin to eat everything that moves!! A la "Tremors" Bump and Squish and the whole gang are trapped on high ground, and must use all their smarts to survive. If only Bump had smarts...
2 When the Music Starts / Loss of Face
Mr. Bumpy and Molly want Squishy to join them in their band, but stage shy Squishy declines. When the music starts, however, the Squishman's natural funk takes over and he becomes a Music Machine. / Squish hates his face. He thinks it's worthless and boring. "Who would want a face like this?" Well, when our blue guy accidentally wipes his face off onto his washrag, we find out who would want his face. Silverfish! Yup, Squishy's face is valuable. Possibly the most valuable thing the Silverfish could have they all but worship it! Now Squish must somehow convince a whole subbasement full of hostile silverfish to give him back his face. Just goes to show that one's man's face is another man's icon.
3 Water Way to Go / Cold Turkey
When the plumber shuts off the water for the night, Squish begins to get dryer than the Sahara Desert. Only the medicine show style singing of Mr. Bumpy and his Cute Doll Choir can induce the heavens to issue forth with the precious liquid Squish craves, and saves his dried out hide... / When Bumpy accidentally defrosts the freezer, he revives the Thanksgiving Day Turkey, which makes its escape into the house. In order for his Boy to have eats on the big day, Mr. Bumpy must track the gobbler down and get it back to its wintery abode. But will Bumpy be able to do so without winding up stuffing?
4 Bump 'n' Roll / Night of the Living Bread
Mr. Bumpy, rock star extraordinaire ( or so he thinks), sets out on a World Tour around the house, flailing away on his majorly over-amplified electric guitar, while his faithful sidekick and roadie, Squishington, carries his equipment and drives the limo. Too bad for the Cute Dolls; the horrendous din created by our warty green monster is too much for their well-bred, prissy American ways, and they completely crack, turning into blood-thirsty, "Kill the Bumpy" torpedoes of hate. But everything they try to do to Bumpy is misconstrued as evidence of their ever-loving adoration of the "rock" star. So Bumpy just plays louder! A light show that puts Floyd to shame, tanks helicopters and the Rolling Stones, all converge for a finale that literally blows Mr. Bumpy and Squish into outer space! "Whoa! What a rush!" / The tables are turned when strange radiations mutate a harmless slice of bread into a slavering, feeding-frenzied, piece of terror toast! Our heroes, Bumpy and Squishington must scramble for their very lives. Fortunately, in the end, Bumpy knows which side the bread is buttered on and defeats the heinous whole wheat.
5 Made In Japan / Made in Japan 2
Bumpy's ordered a really cool, neat, humungous toy robot from the back of a breakfast cereal box. Boy, is it gonna be great! Squishington is kinda worried, though. The robot looks very big, massive and threatening. To Squish's relief (and Bumpy's bummer), the robot when it arrives, turns out to be a little cute mechanical droid, not a big, threatening robot. Unfortunately, late that night, something big and threatening is howling to the skies. Is it the giant robot? And how did it get in the house?! No one will believe Squish, because all they see is the little cute droid. A dark and terrible secret is revealed at the end, but you'll have to watch it to find out what. / Squish's computer pen-pal, the Little Robot, must flee for her life over the telephone wires when a complete recall is put into effect all little robots must be destroyed! Hiding out with our gang, the Little Robod is acclimated to Americanism and good clean fun by none other than Mr. Bumpy! Unbeknownst to anyone, an evil Turbo Totro-noid is sent after the Little Robot. Will our heroes survive the onslaught of this unstoppable engine of destruction? Only love can conquer all.
6 Long, Long Day / Destructo's Flipside
After a particularly vigorous session of rough-housing, Mr. Bumpy, the Closet Monster and Destructo take five in the Karaoke Cafe to chill out after their long, long day. / When Bumpy puts Destructo's batteries in backwards, the big metal juggernaut of destruction becomes a cross between Alan Alda and Phil Donohue. It's terrible! Bumpy must right his wrong. Or does he?
7 Auntie Matta / Bumpy the Untrappable
Bumpy's great aunt Matta is unfrozen from her Alaskan glacier and revived to find a 20th century that's a bit alien for her. She visits her favorite relative Bump and proceeds to scare the pants off everyone in the house. Repeatedly. Ad nauseum. Even Bumpy. In order to get a moments peace, Bumpy and the gang must scare the scarer. But what if that's not possible? / The boy vows to trap the monster under the bed, and the monster under the bed, Mr. bumpy, vows to be untrappable. A battle of wits ensues, with Squishington bearing the brunt and comedy of the competition. In the end, after much trashing, Bumpy remains untrappable, the Boy himself is trapped, and a good time is had by everyone but Squish. "Oh, my aching ooze!".
8 Love Stinks / Love's Labor Bumped
Literally. When Molly is pulled into an overflowing trashcan by a Giant Hairy Land Squid, she comes out smelling like anything but a rose. In fact, she just plain reeks. But this is all to the liking of an amorous Stink Bug, who plays Romeo to the Mollster's Juliet. What's a Comfort Doll to do? In the end, Molly must learn to comfort herself first and tells the odorous Stink Bug to "bug off." / Bumpy discovers Destructo's weakness, the big robot has a soft spot for Molly Coddle. Using this knowledge in a completely selfish and morally questionable way, Bumpy dresses up like Molly and leads Destructo on a merry chase around the house, trashing the metal-head at every turn. Too bad Molly gets wind of this, and in the end, much to Destructo's heart's desire, he and Molly team up to trash Mr. Bumpy. "Hey!! Wait! I was just funnin'!".
9 Not a Leg to Stand On / Hide and Go Freak
Bumpy is accused of stealing Molly's feet. Gasp! Our hero is on the run, on the lam, and with no where to go. All hands are against him. All hands except his best bud Squish. But when Squish acts as Defense Attorney at Bumpy's trial, things go from bad to worse. Bumpy's gonna be put away for a long, long time... / Bumpy and Squishy play "Hide and Go Freak," a game where you turn your head inside out, make your scariest face and frighten the beejeebers out of your surprised playmates! The boys want to get Molly in on the game, but she's a comfort doll and is built to hug, not to frighten. She finally stumbles onto a way to turn the tables on her scary pals, and reduces them to quivering wrecks, winning the game and having a ball in the process!
10 Comfort Shmumfort / Not of This Boy's Room
A brain-enhance Sleemoth returns to Earth, and he and his sidekick alien Gloog capture their hated foe, Mr. Bumpy (along with Squishinton). Po-pooing comfort doll Molly (what can a girl do?), they head back to their home planet, with Bump and Squish in tow. But Molly is not one to be trifles with. She gets mad, and Sigorney Weaveresque, goes after the aliens. / Aliens bent on invading the Earth accidentally abduct Bumpy; woe is they. Bumpy ends up fouling their invasion plans, destroying their killer robot and making the aliens feel might alien, before finally crash-landing the flying saucer smack dab in the middle of the Boy's room. Only Elvis Presley could make things worse. Hey, who's that on the horizon with a guitar strapped across his back? Why, it's...
11 It Came From the Closet (And Wouldn't Leave) / All I Need Is Glove
The closet Monster decides to take up abode...under the bed! Poor Bumpy is hounded to an inch of his life. If he stays home, he dies if he leaves, he gives up his home. The only other alternative? Fight the Monster. / Bumpy is after a particularly juicy sock. Unfortunately, an ambulatory glove is after the same sock. Now way, no how is Bumpy gonna let some glove get his sock. What follows is a madcap no-holds-barred chase all around the house. After various trashings and collisions, Bumpy finally gets the upper hand, but then finds out what the glove wants the sock for to make a nest for her cute little baby socks! Bumpy, an ol' softy at heart, lets the momma glove have the sock in the end.
12 I Got Needs / Beauty and the Bump
Marauding Vikings are on a mission of plunder throughout the house, sacking, pillaging, and generally taking everything that isn't nailed down. Mr. Bumpy sings a song which shows him to be the greediest of them all, so the Vikings make the Bumpster their new leader. Go figure... / A beautiful Princess Doll in a glass jar turns up in Little Sister's room. It looks like she wants to get out, or at least that's what a love-stricken Bumpy thinks. He tries and fails, and ends up knocking himself on the head. When he awakens, he is in fairytale land, and he must pass three tests in order to win the hand of the "princess." Will Bumpy overcome the obstacles, or end up never living happily ever after?
13 It Sang From Beyond the Stars / Journey to the Center of the Lungfish
Alien intruders Sleemoth and Gloog have a new plan to take over the earth they will take a page from the 60's and stage their own "musical invasion," creating mindless hordes of screaming slaves ( they've been monitoring old transmissions of Beatles concerts.) Mr. Bumpy poses as a booking agent and sends them to some of the roughest venues around (inside a live volcano, etc.). Earth is saved again! / Bumpy, Squish and Molly are swallowed by the Boy's pet lungfish. Inside they find a strange old benign sailor, the Lock Ness Monster, and every weird thing in the world except a way out. Will our heroes survive to see another episode?

Par šo pārraidi

The hilarious stop-motion animation adventures of Mr. Bumpy, Squishy, Molly Coddle and the various "household monsters" who make sure their humans are protected from dirty socks and other scary things.

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55 atsauksmes

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