Courtney Loves Dallas

2013 • Bravo
23 iritzi
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1 Courtney Loves Life
Courtney lost the security of her corporate job to pursue her exploding fashion blog full-time hoping to make her mark on the industry she's obsessed with. Despite all of the work that is necessary for starting a new career, Courtney still finds time to let loose alongside her best friend, Tori, and navigate the single life in Dallas.
2 Courtney Loves Fashion
Courtney goes to a party where she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Matt - the one she's never really gotten over. Courtney meets with a NYC jewelry designer about collaborating on an accessories line but thoughts of Matt keep drifting into her mind.
3 Courtney Loves NYC
Courtney Kerr and her best friend, Tori go to the Big Apple for fun, fashion week and a career defining meeting with a NYC jewelry designer.
4 Courtney Loves Mom
Just when Courtney's life is on the upswing, she gets shocking news - her mother may have cancer. Courtney and best girlfriend, Tori travel to Fort Worth for her mom's surgery and some family bonding.
5 Courtney Loves Love
To help manage the expanding blog and new jewelry gig Courtney interviews for an intern. Courtney decides it's time to get some closure with Matt and agrees to meet him for dinner. Courtney's girl friends are not happy about the Matt meeting. Tori tells her, "don't go."
6 Courtney Loves Besties
After a disastrous get-together with Matt that ends in an all-night crying session, Courtney needs to pull it together for her first big jewelry design presentation. Tori encourages Courtney to power thru and when the presentation is over the girls travel to the Texas arts town, Marfa, for a little girlfriend bonding.
7 Courtney Loves Herself!
A television job opportunity has Courtney anxious and she blows off Tori's birthday preparations to go to the audition. Then, things between the best friend's gets worse when Courtney chooses to attend a photo shoot instead of hanging with Tori on her birthday. Tori is crushed.
8 Courtney Loves Friendship
The day of Courtney's first day on her new television show has arrived. Mom and grandma are there but no Tori. Courtney feels like she's blown it with her best friend.

Saio honi buruz

Breakout star Courtney Kerr of 'Most Eligible Dallas' navigates the lively Dallas social scene with her group of sassy, dynamic friends in this docu-series. Juggling her search for the perfect Southern gentleman while trying to make a name for herself in the fashion industry with the growing popularity of her fashion blog, Courtney proves that having it all isn't easy.

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