
Delta State is an French-Canadian adult animated television series, based on the comic by Douglas Gayeton featuring four amnesiac roommates with the ability to enter an ethereal realm known as the Delta State. They face the dual tasks of piecing together their past lives and battling a group of Delta State denizens called Rifters, who seek to control the human mind. The main characters are Claire, Martin, Luna, and Philip.
The series debuted September 11, 2004 on Teletoon, the Canadian cartoon television network. It is the first animated television series to be entirely rotoscoped, taking over 2 ½ years to complete.
Delta State is a Canadian and French co-production with designs, storyboards, etc., done by Alphanim in Paris. Shooting and recording were performed by Nelvana in Montreal. The series was created by Douglas Gayeton, who also directed the original pilot and wrote the bible for the show.
The show has won the Special Award for a TV program at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, and the Frames 2004 for best Asian Production.
The series aired in France on France 2 and Canal+.