george martin
....apart from all the episodes that missing including every single Christmas episode and 'The day of the Doctor' 50th anniversary special. Please add these episodes asap as they are/will be rarely repeated on TV. And please don't try and charge us for them either as they should already be on Google Play in the first place. Will improve my rating when all the missing episodes are added.
Topsy Turvy
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'Season' AKA SERIES 11: Yes the doctor has now turned into 'bubble' from 'absolutely fabulous'. Can't take it seriously. This doctor who series is bull bull. I'm sick of every program/comedy I once loved being taken away from me by a blatant political agenda. It's just supposed to be 'good' defeating 'evil' on a mythical plane. With some humor woven in of course. The viewer rooting for good, without preachy shaming them to. See 'lord of the rings', that's what decent sci-fi should be. A magical get away from stresses of the day. But with this doctor I was left hoping all the characters including the doctor would be killed off. A 'blonde classic beauty' dressed as a 1800s chimney sweep boy doesn't float my boat. This could be forgiven if the writing was half way decent. But with the exception of the weeping angels, none of the aliens since it has been rebooted were memorable for me. They need to get rid of politics. And conjure up some decent aliens in my opinion, if the BBC wish to survive.
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Aidan Merritt
Doctor Who is one of the greatest TV series ever made. Peter Capaldi has ruined it. Yes, everyone needs a chance to bed in but he's had two series now and has ruined every episode; this programme has become unwatchably bad thanks to him, despite the best efforts of the writers and the rest of the cast. It's a shame, as on paper he was great for the part, but watching him stumbling through his lines and gurning like a clown is embarrassing. I'm old enough to remember the days of the much-maligned Colin Baker, and this is worse; please, BBC, cut your losses and replace him.
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