Dragon Tales is an animated educational fantasy children's television series created by Jim Coane and Ron Rodecker, developed by Coane, Wesley Eure, Jeffrey Scott, Cliff Ruby and Elana Lesser, and produced by the Children's Television Workshop, Columbia TriStar Television, Sony Pictures Television and Adelaide Productions. The series focuses on the adventures of two siblings, Emmy and Max, and their dragon friends Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal.
The series began broadcasting on PBS on their newly-renamed PBS Kids block on September 6, 1999, with its final episode airing on April 11, 2005. The show aired reruns up until August 31, 2010, when it was dropped entirely from the PBS Kids lineup. Yearim Productions was responsible for the animation for all seasons, with the exception of Koko Enterprises, which recorded the show along with BLT Productions. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The U.S. Department of Education, cereal company Kellogg's and their associated products Rice Krispies, Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes, and greeting card manufacturer, American Greetings were responsible for the funding.