Eerie, Indiana (OV)

ৱেব ব্ৰাউজাৰ অথবা সমৰ্থিত ডিভাইচত চাওক অধিক জানক

(Season 1) এপিছ’ড (19)

1 Foreverware
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Marshall must save his family from the clutches of a body snatchers--like cult of kitchenware fanatics who preserve their children by sealing them into human sized tupperware.
2 The Retainer
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After obtaining a retainer that allows Marshall and his friends to hear what dogs are thinking, the boys learn that the animals are planning a revolution to take over Eerie.
3 ATM with the Heart of Gold
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Trouble ensues when Eerie's first automatic teller machine becomes obsessed with Simon.
4 The Losers
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In order to save his parents' marriage, Marshall must locate his dad's lost briefcase. During the search, Marhsall and Simon encounter yet another strange happening in Eerie.
5 America's Scariest Home Video
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Simon and Marshall are cursed on Halloween by an odd occurrence involving Simon's little brother, the TV remote control, and a scary mummy movie.
6 Eerie, Indiana - Just Say No to Fun
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Marshall uncovers a plot by a new school nurse, who's using an eye exam to hypnotize students to make them worker drones incapable of having fun.
7 Heart on a Chain
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Marshall and a friend each want to win the heart of the same girl, who has a heart condition that brings her to Eerie hoping to have a transplant.
8 Broken Record
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Marshall worries about his friend who becomes obsessed with heavy metal music to cope with a father who continually berates him.
9 The Dead Letter
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Marshall is love's reluctant mail carrier when the ghost of a 1920s smitten teen demands that Marshall delivers a love letter to the spirit's dreamgirl, now an elderly woman.
10 The Lost Hour
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Marshall needs to be saved from daylight savings (which isn't in effect in Eerie) after he resets his time and falls into a dimension always one hour behind.
11 Who's Who
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An artistic girl's sketches take on a life of their own. Realizing her capability, she attempts to draw the perfect family.
12 Marshall's Theory of Believability
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Marshall and Simon think they've finally found someone who will believe them - a traveling professor of the "parabelievable." But should they be believing him?
13 Tornado Days
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During Errie's annual Tornado day, Matt Frewer drops in as a wacky meteorologist whom Marshall helps battle Tornado Bob.
14 Hole in the Head Gang
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Marshall and Simon are startled by a creepy kid who's living in an old mill that's haunted by the ghost of Eerie's worst bank robber ever.
15 Mr. Chaney
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Trickery makes Marshall the new Harvest King, and he finds the king's traditional task no treat: he must venture to see the Eerie Wolf, which turns out to be a werewolf.
16 No Brain, No Pain
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Marshall and Simon must really use their heads to crack open the real story behind a homeless man who seems to have lost his mind.
17 Loyal Order of Corn
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Something very strange pops up when Simon, Dash, and Marshall try to crack the inner sanctum of Eerie's odd and exclusive lodge.
18 Zombies in PJ's
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Rene Auberjonois plays the Donald, a PR wiz who puts Eerie into a shopping spree at World O' Stuff.
19 Reality Takes a Holiday
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After finding a TV script in his mailbox, Marshall finds himself in Hollywood, his family out of character and his name "Omri" - who's destined to die in the script.

এই শ্ব’টোৰ বিষয়ে

Teenager Marshall Teller discovers and encounters strange happenings in his new hometown, Eerie, Indiana.