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70 umsagnir

Þáttaröð 1 þættir (6)

1 Ben Stiller
Meet Andy Millman, Actor. Never forgets his lines because he never gets any. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have struck comedy gold again with the BAFTA, EMMY and Golden Globe winning "Extras". The BBC hit comedy "Extras" brings to life the mundane tedium of the life of Andy Millman (Gervais). Andy is a desperate man. He's been an actor for five years but thanks to his useless agent (Merchant), he's never done any acting. Instead he's just a lowly film extra, walking around in the background while the stars do their lines. Andy's only friend in the world is Maggie (Ashley Jenson), a fellow extra and a hopeless romantic. While Maggie pursues the man of her dreams, Andy decides he'll do whatever it takes to get himself noticed.
2 Ross Kemp and Vinnie Jones
Andy is working on a period drama starring Ross Kemp who regales Andy with tales of what a real hard man he is -- tougher even than guest star Vinnie Jones. When Vinnie hears about this boast via Andy's enemy Greg, he is none too pleased.
3 Kate Winslet
Andy and Maggie find themselves on the set of a World War 2 film starring Kate Winslet. Kate is hell bent on winning an Oscar and leaves Andy and Maggie taken aback by her foul language and relationship advice.
4 Les Dennis
Andy's agent has got him some work at last -- as a genie in the pantomime Aladdin starring Les Dennis. Les is going through something of a mid-life crisis and is unhappy at the path his career is taking.
5 Samuel L. Jackson
During the filming of a police thriller Andy has managed to bag himself a scene with the star, Samuel L Jackson. However, Maggie's attempts to date the other co-star could ruin it for Andy.
6 Patrick Stewart
Whilst working on a production of The Tempest, Andy shows his sitcom script to Patrick Stewart who agrees to show it to the BBC. The BBC invite Andy in for a meeting with a view to turning it into a pilot -- is this Andy's big break?

Nánar um þennan þátt

Meet Andy Millman, Actor. Never forgets his lines because he never gets any. Andy (Ricky Gervais) is a desperate man. He's been an actor for five years but thanks to his useless agent (Stephen Merchant), he's never done any acting. Instead he's just a lowly film extra, walking around in the background while the stars do their lines. Andy's only friend in the world is Maggie (Ashley Jenson), a fellow extra and hopeless romantic. While Maggie pursues the man of her dreams, Andy decides he'll do whatever it takes to get him noticed.

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70 umsagnir