Peter Deane
As someone who lived in Necastle during the time this show was made I can only say it captures the people and attitudes of Novocastrians perfectly. Kendall isn't afraid to use abuse and obscenities for dramatic and comic effect, using words real Novocastrians would have been using then - and to this day. The characters are real and you get to know them. The situation of a woman down on her luck and trying to do the best she can - even if her methods aren't always entirely legal - is one we can all relate to and sympathise with. We need to see a second series of this for sure. It would be so choice!!
7 people found this review helpful
Ode Gold
Yet anothet classic australian feast for both mind, soul and eyes. If you gravitate towards australian humour at its driest, visual feasts of the east coast and dysfunctional family scenarios, than this is for you. If you have seen F#!%#n Adelaide or Cloud Street and enjoyed, than do not let this one slip through to the keeper.
Shona Thornton
The most amazing show I have seen in a long time! So many nuances, so many extra little things put in that resonate so well with 1989! Fabulous cast, fabulous writing, well done everyone!!
2 people found this review helpful