Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

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Vol. 4 – epizódy (14)

1 February 15, 2017
15. 2. 17
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Full Frontal finally takes a look at all the bulls**t we've been missing since the White House of Horrors opened.
2 March 8, 2017
8. 3. 17
Iba v rámci série
Full Frontal takes a look at the Department of... well, it used to be Justice. We're not quite sure what it is now.
3 March 15, 2017
15. 3. 17
Iba v rámci série
Full Frontal is ready to talk about the Deep State; right after we destroy the spy microwave in our kitchen.
4 March 22, 2017
22. 3. 17
Iba v rámci série
Samantha Bee tries to save journalism one
small-town newspaper at a time.
5 March 29, 2017
29. 3. 17
Iba v rámci série
Remember that Georgia Rape Kits story? Well, get ready for Rape Kits 2...
6 April 5, 2017
5. 4. 17
Iba v rámci série
Full Frontal inducts a new "she-leader" into the Great Feminists in Feminism Herstory Hall of Lady Fame.
7 NOT the White House Correspondents' Dinner
29. 4. 17
Iba v rámci série
Full Frontal presents the "NOT The White House Correspondents' Dinner" to celebrate the free press, while there's still a free press to celebrate.
8 May 10, 2017
10. 5. 17
Iba v rámci série
Between religious freedom and healthcare reform, Republicans have been very busy! Full Frontal examines the (rotten) fruits of their labors.
9 May 31, 2017
31. 5. 17
Iba v rámci série
Sam joins former White House Counsel John Dean to settle the great debate of "Who Wore Corruption Better"... Nixon or Trump?
10 June 7, 2017
7. 6. 17
Iba v rámci série
Nobody asked to return to the War on Drugs... but looks like we're doing it anyway. Full Frontal reluctantly revisits the '80s.
11 June 14, 2017
14. 6. 17
Iba v rámci série
Sam sets out to prove that civil discourse isn't dead, it just took an island vacation. Rikers Island, to be specific.
12 June 21, 2017
21. 6. 17
Iba v rámci série
Full Frontal takes a walk through the Upside Down! Or as it was known before Trump... the English language.
13 June 28, 2017
28. 6. 17
Iba v rámci série
Samantha sits down with Senator Elizabeth Warren to breathe in a little bit of secondhand hope.
101 Lifetime Voting Ban for Former Felons
16. 6. 17
Iba v rámci série
Some of the very worst ideas come from racism or Florida. This one comes from both!

O tejto relácii

One of the most unique and visible comedic voices on television, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee is breaking up late-night's all-male sausage fest. This show, from the longtime Daily Show correspondent, features Samantha's nuanced view of political and cultural issues, her sharp interview skills and her repartee with world leaders.

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