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Season 5 የትዕይንት ክፍሎች (6)

1 Fools
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Mike approaches Alison to discuss their finances following the loss of their B&B business. However, Alison is more preoccupied with plotting revenge on the Ghosts for April Fool's Day and recruits a playful Humphrey to execute her plans. But who will prove the hardest to fool? Meanwhile, Mike is shocked to find someone from their insurance company on his doorstep - an unannounced visit to check the details of the gatehouse fire. Can Mike convince her that lightning really can strike thrice?
2 Home
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In a bid to make some much-needed money, Alison and Mike look into selling some land. The plan proves far from straightforward however, with Lady Button up in arms at the mere thought of losing some of her beloved estate. Thomas enters a competition that he hopes will finally see him become a published poet, but hearing Lady Button speak so passionately about Button House gives him an idea or two... Pat and Julian are locked in a dispute, and it is Robin who offers a surprising pearl of wisdom.
3 Pineapple Day
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Alison and Mike are forced to cosy up to Barclay if their plan to sell some land to the golf consortium is going to work. Elsewhere, Alison is involved in a silent negotiation of her own - she has designs on Lady Button's bedroom but can't quite muster the courage to ask her outright if she would consider relocating. The ghosts become fixated on solving the mystery of Kitty's death.
4 En Francais
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The ghosts are officially bored, and Pat comes up with new entertainment for the gang. Mike and Alison host their international buyer at Button House in order to confirm the land sale, but Mike's antics threaten the whole deal - can he pull it back in time? Humphrey is offered a fresh perspective on his strained marriage and finally learns some French, with a little help from a most unexpected source.
5 Carpe Diem
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Robin has an epiphany that has a far-reaching impact on the rest of the ghosts, who each struggle to believe his prediction. Alison suggests a spontaneous night out with Mike, just like the old days! They try to get the old gang together but with such short notice, only Obi and his new girlfriend Brenda are free. Despite Alison's efforts to plan the best night ever, the evening doesn't quite meet her expectations, and the couple are left pondering how much their lives are changing.
6 Last Resort
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Mike and Alison receive a life-changing offer beyond their wildest dreams. Still reeling from the news and anxious to discuss it, they are interrupted by a heartbroken Obi, who has been suddenly dumped by a strangely callous Brenda. Alison and Mike agree to reconvene with lists of pros and cons. At first, Obi's romantic woes find a sympathetic ear in eternally lovelorn Thomas, but even he tires of Obi's self-pity. Meanwhile, Alison must fend off the ghosts, desperate to sway her decision.

ስለዚህ ትርዒት

Crumbling country mansion Button House is home to restless spirits who've died there over the centuries. Each a product of their time, they're thrown together for eternity, resigned to squabble over mundane daily gripes. But their lives - or rather afterlives - are thrown into turmoil when young urban couple Alison and Mike unexpectedly inherit the peaceful derelict house and plan to turn it into a bustling hotel. As the ghosts attempt to oust the newcomers, and Alison and Mike discover the true scale of the project they've taken on, fate conspires to trap both sides in an impossible houseshare.

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