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Gigantosaurus afsnit (26)

1 Mazu Takes a Chance / Rock Out
Rocky sets out to break the record for fastest ascent up Mount Oblivion, but gets injured along the way. He refuses his friends' help, claiming tough guys like him go it alone, just like the ultimate tough guy: Giganto. But when the ground starts to shake, Rocky discovers that everyone needs help sometimes – even Gigantosaurus.
2 The Crevice / Don't Cave In
There's no doubt about it, life in Cretacia can be rough on a nervous dino like Bill. So many things scare him and cause him to shake all over! Case in point: When a large crevice rips through the ground, trapping the four little dinos in Giganto's path, Bill is too scared to cross it. But when his good friend Tiny gets trapped by Giganto, Bill must overcome his fear to help her. / Tiny might be the silly one out of the four friends, but when her brother Trey tells the little dinos about a cave monster named "Shriekasaurus," Tiny takes that to heart. She'll never have the "tricera-chops" to go in that scary cave! But then the four little dinos are forced into the cave to hide from Gigantosaurus. While her other three friends are too afraid to take the lead, Tiny uses her sense of humor to guide them through the cave…and come face to face with Shriekasaurus himself!
3 The Lost Egg / Saving Ayati
While out playing tag, the four friends find an egg. Who can it belong to? As they venture around Cretacia to find the egg's parents, Rocky starts to warm to the egg. But he can't let his friends know that – cool dinos don't get all cutesy-wootsie with little eggies! When the egg rolls over to Giganto, the little dinos hold their breath. Can a dino as big and cool as Giganto be gentle with something as fragile as an egg? / The foursome are competing to come up with the 'funnest' game over, and Mazu doesn't want to be beat. So she turns Ayati into a dinosaur rollercoaster! But riding the big brachio tickles Ayati, and she loses her balance and falls over…and can't manage to get back up. To get Ayati back on her feet, Mazu devises a pulley system that requires them to push a boulder off a cliff. But there's only one dino strong enough to push it: Giganto!
4 Air Archie / The Island
Poor Archie – he's an archaeopteryx who can't fly! So Mazu fashions a pair of super-duper wings for Archie to help him take to the sky. And it works! Archie soars into the air, thrilled as can be, until he crash lands…on Giganto's back. Mazu has to save Archie, but they both get caught on the big beast, who's bucking like a bronco. Who will rescue them? Archie – when he discovers his true talent is in his feet! / The four friends have a sleepover at the lake, and timid Bill's afraid of everything – especially Terminonator, a goofy old sea monster. Good thing Bill's best buddy Rocky is there to protect him. But when the lily pad they sleep on floats out into the lake, the tables are turned. Suddenly Rocky is the one who's afraid! When Bill finally learns Rocky's secret – that he can't swim – Bill has the chance to be the hero this time and help Rocky get back to shore…before Termy comes!
5 Because Triceratops! / The Imitator
It's time for Tiny to perform The Triceratops Trial, a very serious rite of passage that shows a triceratops' strength and bravery. Unfortunately it's not in Tiny's nature to be serious. Rather than toss a tree, she'd much rather sing and dance! If Tiny fails, she's going to have to go back to her herd to train all the time – and never see her friends again. But when her brother Trey gets in trouble with Giganto, Tiny proves she is a very strong and brave triceratops indeed – in her own unique way! / It's no secret that Rocky idolizes Giganto. He decides he's going to copy his every move to try to be more like him. But when Marsh, the young stegosaurus who idolizes Rocky, decides to do the same thing to Rocky, the parasaurolophus can't take it! He ditches Marsh, hurting the stego's feelings. But when Rocky puts himself into big danger imitating Giganto, he discovers that it's a good thing his "shadow" is around!
6 A Tiny Triumph / The Biggest Hero
While her three friends play "Red Spike, Green Spike," Tiny paints a portrait of Giganto, wishing instead they could all play "Art Exhibit." But Tiny's friends don't appreciate her artistic sensibility. That is, not until foursome have to find their way home from deep in the desert. Tiny's friends wish she would focus on the task at hand instead of her art…until it turns out, it's Tiny's artistic skills that save the day! / Rocky prides himself on being the hero in the group. So when Tiny saves their den from a runaway boulder, Tiny suddenly (and reluctantly) becomes Cretacia's new go-to hero! Jealous, Rocky tries to find ways to win the title back. Unfortunately his scheme involves Giganto, who inadvertently ruins the dinos' den. Now Rocky has to save Tiny from a very precarious position – on the top of Giganto's head!
7 Think Quick / No Joke
Being an ankylosaur, Mazu is not the fastest dino in Cretacia, and she finds that frustrating. The Big Winds are coming soon, shaking huge walnuts off the trees, and only the fast dinos ever get one! So Mazu uses her inventive mind to make herself run faster, but nothing seems to work. She's just about to give up when she and her friends have to run from Giganto, who likes walnuts too. Mazu will never be fast enough to outrun him! Turns out, she doesn't have to. Her quick thinking saves the day. / Ever the comedian, Tiny loves telling jokes. But her friends aren't always in the mood to hear them. So Tiny hangs out with Dilo instead, who seems to love jokes. But Dilo's way of joking is to pull pranks on unsuspecting dinosaurs, which upsets Tiny. Can she set Dilo straight before he pulls the ultimate prank – on Giganto?
8 Please Don't Pick the Flowers / Frozen Giganto
When Bill does something nice for Mazu, she brings him an extra-special treat: a delicious floating flower from the swamp. It's special because it's rare. The flower is a big part of Cretacia's ecosystem and you can't eat too many. But Bill's taste buds fall in love at first bite, and he must have more! How much could eating a few more – dozen – flowers hurt? Um, a lot! Bill ends up disrupting Cretacia's entire ecosystem, which ends up making Giganto very "hangry"! / After Giganto disrupts Bill's coconut lunch, the little brachio has had it. He wishes Gigantosaurus would just go away and leave them alone forever! But when Giganto does disappear, suddenly things aren't right in Cretacia. Bill realizes Giganto is important to them and keeps the power balance from tilting in Terminonator's favor. It's up to Bill and his three besties to find Giganto…and ultimately save him from danger in the Frozen Land.
9 Seeing Stars / Treasure!
The four dinos are really excited about camping out in the desert with the herds tonight. Rocky wants to play games, Tiny wants to sing campfire songs, Bill wants to eat, and Mazu wants to work. What??? Sure enough, Mazu pulls her three best friends away from the party to help her with the impossible task of mapping the stars. And if that's not bad enough, the raptors play a howl of a prank on them. Mazu realizes she can't always have her way, and by leading her friends to safety, actually leads them into the most adventurous sleepover they've ever had! / When the four dinos find a shiny pebble in a cave, they each want it for their own. This sets off a game of "keep-away" that ends up involving first the raptors, and then almost every dinosaur in Cretacia. It's a mad, mad world as everyone goes berserk jockeying to try to claim the (actually worthless) "treasure." There's only one dino who keeps his head in the madness: Gigantosaurus
10 Giganto's Laugh / Talent-o-saurus
Best friends Tiny and Mazu are opposites: Where Tiny is silly, Mazu is serious. Their contrasting approaches are tested when the two dinos journey to find a special medicine for Giganto's ailing tooth. After Tiny's silliness almost gets them stung by a scorpion, she realizes that sometimes you have to be serious. But later, when Tiny's silly idea saves the four friends from Termy, Mazu discovers that sometimes it's better to be silly. In the end, the two friends get both serious and silly to treat Giganto's toothache – and do they even get the Big Guy to laugh? / When Tiny hosts a talent show, cocky Rocky decides he doesn't have to practice for it – he always wins everything. But the competition is tough: Tiny's telling jokes, Bill has a magic act, Mazu plays a one-dino band, and Ignatius is throwing down a rap. (Even Dilo competes with funny faces.) Rocky figures he'll just partner with Giganto in the show, and that will be so impressive he'll win. There's just one problem: Giganto has no interest in performing!
11 Marsh the Raptor / Invisi-Bill
Marsh tries to get into a ballgame with the four little dinos, but feels a little left out. He wanders off into the jungle, where the raptors pretend to befriend him. Cror and Totor trick Marsh into playing a game with them, all the while really just using Marsh to catapult stinky flowers on Giganto. But when things go wrong and Marsh is catapulted toward Giganto with the flowers, it's the four little dinos to the rescue! Next time, they'll be more inclusive in their games. / Bill is really bad at hide and seek. It's so frustrating for him! So Bill's three besties form a plan: They pretend that Bill is invisible so he can win at hide-and-seek for once. It's a great idea until Bill becomes convinced that he really is invisible and can confront anyone he chooses. Suddenly timid little Bill is not so scared anymore and goes around Cretacia like a superhero, defending the rights of the common dino. He even has a bone to pick with Gigantosaurus…until he sees his reflection in Giganto's gleaming scales and realizes he's all-too-visible!
12 Dinosia / Differing Dino Tales
The four friends are bored with Cretacia: Nothing new ever happens. So Ayati sends them off on a quest to find a legendary land called Dinosia. They just have to follow the sparkles! On their journey, they discover a fun new game, indestructible bubbles, delicious sparkly treats, and friendly fireflies. By the time they find Dinosia – or do they? – the foursome have discovered Cretacia is pretty great after all. / When a runaway boulder ruins one of Mazu's inventions, she wants to find out who set the rock in motion. Her three best friends each think they know who did it: Giganto! And they each have a tale to tell about it. In Rocky's story, he and Giganto are a superhero team. In Bill's, Giganto is even bigger and scarier than normal. And Tiny tells a tale where she dances and plays hide and seek with Giganto. Whaaaat? It's up to Mazu to do some detective work and find out what really happened.
13 Big Bill / A Very Sticky Problem
Bill is tired of being a little brachiosaurus. He knows someday he will be huge, but he wants to be big…now! Then he won't be scared of anything! So he sets out to find a mystery dino who knows the secret to growing big. It's not Marsh, who is big but still afraid of things; nor is it Ignatius, who is tiny but considers himself huge for his species. And it's certainly not Termy, who thinks Bill is already too big to fall for her tricks. Is it Giganto? Or does the giant only teach Bill that the knowledge he seeks is already inside himself? / When Mazu gets stuck to Cror by a glob of tar, she gets to see life through a raptor's eyes. And it's not pretty. Mazu comes to realize some of her own prejudices when she learns why Cror is the way is, and tries to help the raptor help herself. But Mazu also has to figure out a way to dissolve the tar and separate them before Cror gets her way…and uses Giganto to tear them apart!
14 The Shortest Day / The Best Crest
On the shortest day of the year, Tiny throws a huge party to lift everyone's spirits. She promises to decorate a big tree in the Frozen Land, have lots of food, and give gifts to everyone. But what happens when all the decorations, food and presents fall into a crevasse? Can the dinosaurs still have fun without it all? On this day when night comes the earliest, Tiny and the others learn they already have everything they need – each other. / It's spring, and all the flowers are in bloom, including a certain flower that happens to have delicious nectar but also makes Rocky sneeze. His crest is so stuffed up that he sounds like a prehistoric duck! Even worse, the raptors have taken Rocky's favorite Giganto card and won't give it back until he gets them some nectar from that delicious flower. Giganto seems to want the nectar too, but can't reach it with his short arms. But if Giganto can turn a disadvantage into an advantage, so can Rocky!
15 The Big Mean Green / Patchy Sees the Light
One morning, the little dinos find the lake damaged and Termoninator up in a tree. How did that happen? Termy blames Giganto, even though she has no proof. Everyone agrees that Giganto seems to be the likely culprit, and Trey leads a group to drive "the Big Mean Green" out of Cretacia. It's up to the four little friends to defend him! While Rocky and Tiny race to warn Giganto, who is actually just trying to save the lake, Mazu and Bill look for clues to prove his innocence. / Mazu loves to invent things to help her friends. When she notices that Patchy seems to be particularly clumsy, she makes him a helmet to protect him from his slapstick pratfalls. But on closer inspection, Mazu realizes that Patchy's real problem isn't clumsiness: It's that he can't see well. So Mazu makes him the first pair of eyeglasses. Patchy tries to put them on, but then decides he doesn't want them. Why? It's not until Patchy's in a faceoff with Giganto that Mazu sees the whole picture.
16 Bill's Night Feast / Forward Marsh
Bill wakes up one morning to discover that someone is raiding all his food stashes! The little brachio is outraged, and becomes obsessed with finding the culprit. He accuses everyone, including Giganto. But when night falls, the surprising thief is revealed: it's Bill! His best friends are stunned to realize that Bill "sleep eats" – that is, he walks around Cretacia while he sleeps, eating other dinos' food! Lucky for Bill, he has someone looking out for him as he ventures through the night: Gigantosaurus. / Tonight is a very special event in Cretacia: The Winter Lights dance across the sky in the Frozen Land, like the Aurora Borealis. Rocky is in a hurry to get the best viewing spot to watch them. Starting off early in the morning, nothing can stop him and his besties from getting to the Frozen Land first…until Marsh tags along. Rocky has noooo time to be patient with Marsh. But it's Rocky's impatience that ends up causing all the delays. Will they ever get to see the Lights?
17 Racing Giganto / The Drought
Mazu is determined to help her and her besties beat Giganto in a race, so she invents the world's first go-carts! The RockyRacer goes really fast and has a horn so loud it smashes rocks. The BillBubble is nice and safe and can drive under water. The TinyTrike is a cool off-roader that blows sparkles out of its exhaust pipe. And the MazMobile can fly! But is Cretacia ready for the racers? While the four friends have fun racing Giganto, they don't realize they're leaving destruction in their wake. Now they're going to have to race to fix the damage they've caused…before Giganto gets hurt! / Tiny and Bill are in a competition with Mazu and Rocky to see who can collect more cave moss. While competing, Tiny and Bill break the one cave rule there is: No double-jumping on the mushrooms. The twosome break off a mushroom cap, which ends up clogging up the water source for Cretacia. When they realize they've caused a drought, they're too afraid to tell anyone what they did! In their attempt to secretly unclog the source, they get trapped in the cave. Good thing Giganto is around to free them. The two dinos have learned a valuable lesson: It's always better to 'fess up when you mess up!
18 The Challenge / Giganto's Boss
Turf rights to the playground are at stake when the raptors challenge the four little dinos to a game of basketball. Bill doesn't want to play. He's not confident in his skills, and doesn't want to be the weak link! It's not until Bill runs away and hides in the jungle – and has to employ all his great moves to avoid Giganto's whipping tail – that Bill realizes he has all the "game" he needs to defeat the raptors. / When it appears that Giganto has listened to a command from Rocky, the young dino convinces everyone that he's the Giganto-Whisperer! Cretacia is all abuzz about Rocky's talent, and Rocky promises them a Giganto extravaganza – he'll put on a show where he tells Giganto what to do! But Rocky soon learns that his talent was just a fluke. He can't let his fans down, though. Can he fake his way through his performance with Giganto?
19 Follow the Leader / Bill's Broken Promise
On a hot summer day, the four friends are playing Follow the Leader – only it's more like, Follow the Rocky. The little parasaur doesn't want to let anyone else lead, even when the dinos have to help poor old Ayati cool off in the heat. / It's Rocky's birthday! Bill, Mazu and Tiny are planning a big party for him. But after Bill lets out a secret about Rocky's present, and the young brachio finds he must invite the scariest guest of all to the party: Gigantosaurus!
20 Crying Wolfasaurus / A Tiny Favor
The four friends are heading to a remote location for a picnic, but Bill just wants to eat now. When he incorrectly calls out a warning about Giganto coming, Bill suddenly gets his way. Hmm, maybe he can use that tactic to avoid doing anything he doesn't want to do… After several instances of Bill crying wolf – er, Giganto – his friends grow wise to his trick. So when Giganto really is a threat, nobody believes Bill. Now it's up to Bill to rescue his three besties from danger! / While Tiny is creating a huge leaf collage, Archie saves her from a boulder rolling her way. Tiny is so grateful! Now she must honor the Triceratops Code and repay the favor by doing an even bigger favor for Archie…whether he wants it or not. It seems the harder Tiny tries to do something nice for Archie, the more trouble he gets into. Just when Tiny is ready to give up, Archie really does need her help: Giganto thinks he's a tasty piece of moss!
21 The Floating Stone / How Giganto Got His Roar
Mazu is a thinker. She looks before she leaps. Rocky is all action. He leaps before he looks. When the duo have to embark on a quest to find a legendary 'floating stone' in order to save Tiny and Bill from Terminonator, will they be able to work together? While Tiny and Bill try to escape the island in the middle of the lake where Termy is keeping them as her "guests," Mazu and Rocky journey deep into the swamp to find the stone, discovering that they need a combination of thinking and action to rescue their friends. / Rocky is tired of having such a feeble roar. He wants to roar just like Gigantosaurus! So he and Marsh set out to capture Giganto's roar inside a coconut. But nothing seems to work – if only Giganto would cooperate! When Marsh gets cornered by a scorpion, Rocky has to dig deep and rely on his own roar to scare the creature away and save his stego companion.
22 An Artist is Born / Born Tree
When Trey injures himself in a tree-toppling accident, Tiny encourages her brother find his inner artist. But painting doesn't seem to be Trey's thing – he likes the feel of his horns on a tree. When the raptors make off with Tiny's art supplies, Trey discovers his true artistic talent: tree carving. He's so good at it, he can even make a replica of Giganto! / When Tiny accidentally uproots a sapling tree, she decides to put it in a pot, keep it in the den and nurse it back to health. And all the love and attention Tiny gives "Woody" works – the tree grows and grows…and grows! Soon it's too big to keep in the den. Tiny's three besties advise her to plant the tree somewhere so it can spread its roots and grow to its full potential, but Tiny has grown too attached to the tree. It's not until Woody and Tiny get into some trouble with Giganto that Tiny realizes she has to "free" the tree!
23 The Five Friends / A Giganto Power
The dinos discover a cool, ancient stone. Ayati tells them they've found the crest of the Five Friends of Cretacia. According to legend, Cretacia was settled by five groups of dinosaurs who were all friends: ankylosaur, brachiosaur, parasaur and triceratops. Who was the fifth group? Ayati can't remember. The fours friends end up fighting over this special amulet, which they end up breaking into four pieces. When Giganto casts the pieces to the far corners of Cretacia, the four little dinos break up to retrieve them, learning the value of friendship along the way…and discovering who the fifth friend is! / Rocky wants a tail as powerful as Giganto's! So Mazu makes him one. Rocky quickly discovers that it's not easy to manage such a massive thing, but it doesn't stop him from trying to use it like a super hero to help others. Of course, when you can't control a tail like that, you end up only makes matters worse. When Rocky nearly causes a cliff to collapse with his tail, he realizes that with great power comes great responsibility…not to mention agility! As Rocky works with Giganto to prop up the cliff, he's more impressed than ever by the giant's control over his own powerful tail.
24 The Light in the Storm / Coco Bill
When the four friends and Marsh come out of the cave after playing, they discover they're caught in thick fog that makes it hard to see. Who's going to lead them through the fog to their den? / Bill likes his coconuts. He doesn't see any problem in collecting as many as he can. But when he sees Rugo doing the same thing, it's game on! Unfortunately for Bill, he's no match for Rugo.
25 Brothers and Sisters / Mazu's Comet
When Tiny stumbles upon Totor playing music, she discovers that she and the raptor have a lot in common. They both like music, and playing games…and they both have older siblings that don't want them to be friends. Too bad Cror and Trey can't be friends like Tiny and Totor are! Instead, they just fight and work against each other all the time. What happens when Trey and Cror think Tiny and Totor are in trouble with Giganto? Can they put aside their difference and team up to help? / It's no secret that Mazu is the most helpful dinosaur in Cretacia. So when Mazu races to see a once-in-a-lifetime comet, it's just her luck that everyone in Cretacia suddenly needs her help…even Giganto! And Mazu stops to help all her friends, jeopardizing her own one-time opportunity to view something amazing. But when Mazu loses the glass to make her telescope work, she's the one who needs help! And what Mazu witnesses – everyone in Cretacia coming together to find the glass and get it to her in time – is an even more beautiful sight than a comet.
26 Goodbye Giganto! Part 1 / Goodbye Giganto! Part 2
When a meteorite falls into the crater of Mount Oblivion, it causes a dangerous situation that could cause the volcano to erupt. It looks like the herds are going to have to move elsewhere, leaving Giganto behind. The four little dinos are crushed. What if Giganto doesn't come with them? Will they have to say goodbye to him forever? No! They'll just team up with Giganto and get rid of that boulder! But after they've saved Cretacia, Giganto is the one who leaves. Where is he going? And will he come back? / Life in Cretacia isn't the same without Gigantosaurus. Termy has taken over with the raptors as her lieutenants, and she wants to destroy the little dinos' den to build herself a new lake in the middle of the savanna. It's looking grim for the four friends. It seems like Mazu, Bill and Tiny are giving up, leaving only Rocky to defend the den. Or is that just a clever ruse to thwart Termy and the raptors and get rid of them? Of course it is! The little dinos are pleased. They saved their home without Giganto's help! Maybe they're growing up. But they sure do miss their Big Friend. Hey! Who's that outside…? Be prepared to learn the biggest discovery about Giganto for the season!

Om denne serie

ROCKY, BILL, TINY and MAZU are four young dinosaurs growing up in the Cretaceous period. Life is always an adventure: new volcanoes are popping up all the time, long-necked brachiosauruses and enormous triceratopses roam free, meteor showers light up the night sky and… the big, fierce Gigantosaurus reigns over it all!

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