Great Decisions in Foreign Policy

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Season 47 episodes (13)

1 Walled Off: Global Migration
Migration has become a hot political issue in Europe and the U.S. as hundreds of thousands of people fleeing conflict and poverty try to find sanctuary in more stable nations. Despite the heated rhetoric, migration is nothing new – previous migration waves have helped shape the world we live in. Is migration something that should be thwarted, or simply better-managed?
2 Regional Disorder: The Middle East
The Middle East is in turmoil. Almost a decade after the Arab uprisings; civil wars, failed states, and political repression characterize the region. Amidst this chaos global and regional powers are competing for influence. Washington must consider whether America's historical interests in the region are shifting.
3 Rethinking the Nuclear Framework
For decades, agreements like the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty have limited the spread of nuclear weapons and the destruction they can cause. But the existing nuclear order is now facing challenges from countries like North Korea and Iran – The New Nuclear Deal, next on Great Decisions.
4 Turning the Tide: Populism in Europe
The European Union was founded as a bold experiment in free trade with an internal market and shared rules bringing together more than two dozen nations. But the 2008 financial crisis compounded by the ongoing immigration crisis has fueled a resurgent nationalism that threatens to pull the EU apart.
5 Trading with China
The world’s two most powerful countries are locked in an economic standoff, marked by escalating rhetoric and billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs. Join us as we assess the health of an unbalanced partnership, explore how global institutions can remain relevant in a changing world, and ask whether a trade agreement between China and the United States could prove the ultimate test for a president who takes pride in his ability to conclude a deal. A closer look at the American trade relationship with China.
6 Made in China
China has launched an aggressive new plan to transform its economy into a high-tech global powerhouse. But the initiative has the U.S. and a host of other nations crying foul, accusing China of disregard for intellectual property, unfair trade practices, discrimination against foreign firms, and cyber espionage.
7 A Tested Relationship: The U.S. and Mexico
The U.S. relationship with Mexico has been in the spotlight in recent months because of the politically sensitive issue of immigration - plus strong rhetoric from the Trump administration. As neighbors, however, the two nations have a shared-interest in stopping cross-border crime, while keeping the doors open to trade --- issues that have helped shape discussions as both sides revisit their trading relationship.
8 The State of the State Department
Diplomats have been described as the “first line of defense” for the United States to ensure security for its citizens and to advance American economic interests overseas. But the US Department of State is facing new challenges as some in Washington have begun to question how America should approach the world. The future of American diplomacy, next on Great Decisions.
9 Revolution and Reform: The Making of Modern Iran
Countering Iran has been a foreign policy objective of U.S. administrations since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The two countries clash over influence in a fractured region, all under the cloud of Iran’s threatening nuclear program. Domestically, Iran contends with unrest over its growing political and economic isolation. Now, nearly 40 years after the founding of the Islamic republic, a closer look at Iran.
10 War Powers: Congress and the President
The Constitution of the United States divides oversight of the military between the executive and legislative branches. However, since the September 11th attacks, three consecutive presidents have pushed the limits of their ability to use military force – and Congress has done little to stop them. What is Congress’ responsibility to oversee the use of force?
11 America's Diplomats
For generations, American diplomats have shaped our history. They found support for our independence, helped our country grow westward, secure peace after World War Two, and met the challenge of communism. But too often their sacrifice goes unnoticed. Great Decisions takes a look into what those on the ground around the world do for the United States and how it impacts those of us at home.
12 The Iran Deal
The Iran nuclear deal promised to usher in a new era of relations between the United States and Iran. Great Decisions looks at how nuclear diplomacy has shaped relations between Washington and Tehran - a dynamic which will likely continue, with the decision by the Trump administration to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.
13 Father of Containment: The George Kennan Story
George Kennan was the architect of America’s Cold War strategy, but he remained an outsider who for half a century was one of the most outspoken critics of his country's foreign policy. His doctrine of containment offered an intermediate approach between appeasement and confrontation but took on military connotations that left Kennan frustrated. Join us as we look at the life and legacy of George Kennan.

About this show

Narrated by David Strathairn, this acclaimed international affairs documentary series explores critical global issues facing the world today.

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